Aug 7, 2020 2:48 PM
Introduction Around a week ago a certain change has been made to MAL website that probably went unnoticed for majority of users here, unless they were affected by numerous bugs that were introduced along with it [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. A new mandatory requirement has been implemented in order for users to post any kind of message or simply log in to MAL in a form of Google's reCAPTCHA v3 service. For those unfamiliar with it, “CAPTCHA” is usually used to detect and deny website access to bots carrying a malicious intent (spam, scraping, DDoS etc.) by providing a challenge to solve and analyzing user behavior. reCAPTCHA v2 asking user to select cars to verify they’re human But, unlike the infamous v2 version, with the new reCAPTCHA v3, one don't have to partake in a trial of selecting images containing traffic lights and such to verify they're human. Instead, the process of checking if website visitor is a real human or a bot is performed in background and is carried out only by means of analyzing user data, which certainly is more convenient in comparison. So now, every time you post a message on MAL forums, send a private message to someone or leave a comment on another user’s profile, a Google’s reCAPTCHA script is run in your web browser, gathering information about you and using it to judge if you’re a bot or not, but that might not be the only thing it does with that information. reCAPTCHA and advertisement networks While the exact logic behind reCAPTCHA v3’s decision making on whether or not a site visitor is a real person or a bot remains a company secret, some parts of it were known for years now. The first thing reCAPTCHA checks is whether or not your browser stores any of Google cookies, that are placed there when you are logged in to any of the Google-owned websites (Gmail, Youtube, Google Drive etc.) [8]. In other words, the more Google knows about you, the more it trusts you. And it makes perfect sense, no arguing about that. Unfortunately, in case a person who does not happen to use Google’s services is faced with reCAPTCHA challenge, they tend to be treated rather harshly. The reCAPTCHA v2 that is solved simply by clicking on a checkbox by a person using Google’s Chrome browser while logged in to their Google account, turns into minutes-long struggle against slowly loading image puzzle telling you that your answer is wrong despite your best efforts for a person browsing the web through VPN via Firefox browser with privacy tracking enabled [9]. As such, the reCAPTCHA system makes it explicitly hard to browse parts of the web protected by it for users who are using technical means to protect their privacy online. But why would one be concerned with that? Read next: Another method used by reCAPTCHA is called 'fingerprinting', which can identify unique visitors by summarizing information the web browser provides when it loads a web page, including browser version, language settings, installed browser extensions, screen resolution and many more [10][11]. Combined together, all that information makes up a so-called ‘fingerprint’, which is then used to identify user across different websites. Because it includes so many variables, such fingerprint would be unique for majority of internet users. This method is vastly employed by advertisement networks – businesses that make money by tracking users on the web to learn about them and display relevant advertisements. A scheme showcasing the work of an advertisement network (c) Phebe Singleton For example, if advertisement on a web page containing medical description of depression fingerprints a user, and sometime later another ad from the same network sees a user with the same fingerprint on a pharmacy website’s page for antidepressant drug, it can assume that the owner of this fingerprint suffers from depression and show them an advertisement for therapist offices in their area. Another example is when the same fingerprint first appears on a store page for pregnancy test and, sometime later, on the abortion clinic website. Then advertisement network can assume a user to be pregnant woman and show her ads for other clinics special promotions or maybe anti-abortion ads sponsored by religious organizations - depending on who paid more to place their advertisement. As you can see, this way, by tracking users when they visit different web pages, a lot of details about a person’s life can be pieced together. The more pages with ads by one network a user visits, the more that network knows about this user. Google is an advertisement company Now, i don’t think i need to explain the implications of combining information collected the aforementioned way with one’s real life ID when the advertisement company also happens to know the fingerprinted user’s real identity. In that case, fingerprints that are presumed to be anonymous become pseudonymous and the information obtained via advertisement tracking becomes quite sensitive. Now, what advertisement company could also happen to be in possession of a tracked user’s IDs? Despite the popular opinion, Google’s business isn’t as much of a tech as it is advertisements. According to the latest financial report by Google’s parent company Alphabet, 82% of Google income comes from advertising [12]. Colossal amount of internet users have a Google account containing their real names and other personal information. Can you see now why some would be concerned with tracking on the web? Now, let’s come back to reCAPTCHA at question. If you click on a “Privacy” link on reCAPTCHA’s pop-up in the bottom right of MAL’s page, it will take you to Google’s Privacy Policy [13]. It doesn’t have a section dedicated to reCAPTCHA specifically and talks about all of Google’s services in general. Here’s what it says: We collect information to provide better services to all our users — from figuring out basic stuff like which language you speak, to more complex things like which ads you’ll find most useful, the people who matter most to you online, or which YouTube videos you might like. From there, i can come to a conclusion that reCAPTCHA might possibly be used in the same tracking manner as advertisements. Another thing that raises suspicion is that challenges in the previous versions of reCAPTCHA were used to train Google’s neural network in text & image recognition, but as v3 does not require human interaction, it’s hard to say how Google profits from it while still providing this service for free [14]. “If something is free, you are the product”. Earlier this year, Cloudflare - one of the fastest growing internet companies of the last decade that provides access to millions of websites nowadays - decided to stop using reCAPTCHA services, naming privacy concerns as one of the reasons [15]. In conclusion Now, while there are no reasons to believe that Google uses information it collects in an ill manner, some people are less-than comfortable with being exposed to monopolistic internet company that goes as far as programming tracking into their web browser [16]. Therefore, they use ad blocker extensions and other tools to avoid running unwanted web scripts on their devices. But while blocking advertisements does not affect a website’s usability (most of the time), blocking reCAPTCHA’s scripts as they are now makes it impossible to communicate on MAL. Essentially, MAL lets Google monitor your actions on their website in exchange for a convenient anti-spam system and disallows you to use parts of website functionality if you opt-out. I can only hope that one day MAL will introduce alternative means of spam prevention. P.s. sorry if this post reads confusing, English isn’t my first language. _____________________________________________________________________ [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] |
GenoardAug 7, 2020 2:52 PM <- the largest collection of anime Openings & Endings on the Web <- guess an anime from your list by it's Opening/Ending music browser game |
Aug 8, 2020 6:01 PM
MAL could just use hCaptcha instead. Google is going to if not already charge for reCaptcha. |
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Aug 8, 2020 6:03 PM
How could MAL do that to us?! You know what other website uses it? Pornhub. |
Aug 25, 2020 8:10 AM
really nice thread, I love these things. I recently made a script that removes that google recaptcha symbol of mal. Do you want that? I don't need to do the form of Google's reCAPTCHA in order to post any kind of message or simply log in to MAL... You're probably having a bug if you are being asked to answer that shit every time... I'm using lots of extensions that protect my privacy,maybe that's why I'm never asked to answer that shit.... |
Click here to see My Tampermonkey Scripts For MAL If you like my work, please consider supporting it! Cryptos |
Aug 25, 2020 8:20 AM
hacker09 said: really nice thread, I love these things. I recently made a script that removes that google recaptcha symbol of mal. Do you want that? I don't need to do the form of Google's reCAPTCHA in order to post any kind of message or simply log in to MAL... You're probably having a bug if you are being asked to answer that shit every time... I'm using lots of extensions that protect my privacy,maybe that's why I'm never asked to answer that shit.... Did i write anywhere that i have to solve a reCAPTCHA challenge to post here on MAL? You are once again jumping to conclusions without carefully reading the original post. What i actually have the issue with is having to enable and scripts in uMatrix every time i want to post a message here on MAL because i'm uncomfortable with them running all the time i browse the site for the reasons stated in the OP and merely hiding a logo in the corner won't help with that. | <- the largest collection of anime Openings & Endings on the Web <- guess an anime from your list by it's Opening/Ending music browser game |
Aug 25, 2020 8:50 PM
recapcha is garbage. rather than making users waste valuable time solving an arbitrary number of stupid inaccurate slowly fading traffic sign puzzles. they should just implement a basic English literacy test as the challenge |
Aug 27, 2020 10:33 AM
I never had any captcha pop up when posting, but I'm using blockers and a VPN so that might have something to do with it. I'm pretty sure MAL's forum activity would drop by around 75% if that was implemented. |
Aug 27, 2020 12:35 PM
Bugarally said: I never had any captcha pop up when posting, but I'm using blockers and a VPN so that might have something to do with it. It has nothing to do with your browser extensions or VPN connection, the version of ReCAPTCHA MAL uses functions without pop-ups and i explicitly explained this in my original post ffs why does nobody actually read it | <- the largest collection of anime Openings & Endings on the Web <- guess an anime from your list by it's Opening/Ending music browser game |
Aug 27, 2020 12:49 PM
Genoard said: Bugarally said: I never had any captcha pop up when posting, but I'm using blockers and a VPN so that might have something to do with it. It has nothing to do with your browser extensions or VPN connection, the version of ReCAPTCHA MAL uses functions without pop-ups and i explicitly explained this in my original post ffs why does nobody actually read it Your post did go into detail about pop ups, its not unreasonable for me to state that I never had one. If you are referring to fingerprinting there are various tools out there to block fingerprinting and other trackers. Staying private is not that hard if you keep the mindset that every site is harvesting data and take the appropriate measures to protect yourself. |
Aug 27, 2020 4:12 PM
Bugarally said: Your post did go into detail about pop ups, its not unreasonable for me to state that I never had one. Here, a part that that says that it works without input from user (which pop-ups obviously are): Genoard said: But, unlike the infamous v2 version, with the new reCAPTCHA v3, one don't have to partake in a trial of selecting images containing traffic lights and such to verify they're human. Instead, the process of checking if website visitor is a real human or a bot is performed in background and is carried out only by means of analyzing user data, which certainly is more convenient in comparison. Bugarally said: If you are referring to fingerprinting there are various tools out there to block fingerprinting and other trackers. Staying private is not that hard if you keep the mindset that every site is harvesting data and take the appropriate measures to protect yourself. Except blocking a tracker, which ReCAPTCHA is, here on MAL prevents you from logging in and posting messages. None of the current fingerprint resisting methods offer full protection from it [1]. So blocking such scripts from being executed is still the most sure way to prevent it. _____________________________________________________________________ [1] | <- the largest collection of anime Openings & Endings on the Web <- guess an anime from your list by it's Opening/Ending music browser game |
Aug 29, 2020 5:13 AM
Yeah, it's very annoying. I don't even know what they expect from rechaptcha. Maybe to counter rating bots? I don't think it's worth it. No one gives a crap about ratings anyways. |
![]() |
Aug 29, 2020 8:10 AM
Sep 2, 2020 8:44 PM
This has been here since August 7? I didn't notice it until recently when MAL forced me to login again. So nice of them to just return a 400 error instead of actually telling people that recraptcha is required now. So funny that this old thread got bumped: All of my old posts are still relevant. <script src='' async defer></script> No integrity check? Of course not. MAL still does not care about security. Still, I eagerly await the day when google is down and millions of badly made sites stop working. I will point and laugh saying "I told you so!" On the privacy matter... I consider use of recraptcha unethical. MAL is requiring their users to be tracked by google in order to use the site. If they want to avoid spam, hold posts for moderation approval from new users. Once a user gains a reputation of not being a bot, let them post all they want. This isn't hard and doesn't violate anyone's privacy. Strangely enough, I never had to solve a puzzle. I guess recrapcha likes empty useragent strings, no cookies, and spoofed refers. Though the xhr that it does will do whatever it wants. As best as I could tell it doesn't seem to be sending our post content over to google (yet). But google could start doing that without notice at any time. tl;dr Stop violating your user's privacy MAL. Remove recaptcha. |
Sep 9, 2020 9:15 AM
I have a slight stricter uMatrix rule than #5 and yes I noticed it too, it sucks. Couldn't agree more with OP and #13. My rules are: For,xhr,frame is greenlisted everything else is hardblocked; same for css+script allowed;same for the only 1 element is allowed. |
removed-userSep 9, 2020 9:49 AM
Nov 5, 2020 6:12 AM
Nov 6, 2020 3:52 AM
They changed something between Nov 4th and today, it completely locked me out of posting, commenting profiles, editing my profile, making reviews, everything. And I allowed their shitty websites in my previous settings... edit: noscript is the culprit, but idk even what the heck recaptcha is doing, even if I allow every domain visible in noscript's settings, it doesn't let me post, but if I disable the whole script, it lets me post. HMMM... |
FullyChargedNov 6, 2020 3:57 AM
bruh |
Feb 10, 2021 2:40 PM
all I have to say is that recaptcha fails to load every single night. it's not even a matter of privacy for me anymore, I'm unable to post until morning time. I'm getting really tired of it. |
馬鹿げた倫理 全部ガラクタで |
Feb 21, 2021 11:22 AM
I don't know if I should consider it funny or worrying. Every once in a while, that could be 2 days or 10 days, I become unable to post here, I just send the post and it stays in loading indefinitely and never actually submits it. Then I check my addons list and there is promptly a NoScript update. Once I update it poof, I can magically post again, immediately. |
bruh |
Feb 21, 2021 4:44 PM
BurntJelly said: This has been here since August 7? I didn't notice it until recently when MAL forced me to login again. So nice of them to just return a 400 error instead of actually telling people that recraptcha is required now. So funny that this old thread got bumped: All of my old posts are still relevant. <script src='' async defer></script> No integrity check? Of course not. MAL still does not care about security. Still, I eagerly await the day when google is down and millions of badly made sites stop working. I will point and laugh saying "I told you so!" On the privacy matter... I consider use of recraptcha unethical. MAL is requiring their users to be tracked by google in order to use the site. If they want to avoid spam, hold posts for moderation approval from new users. Once a user gains a reputation of not being a bot, let them post all they want. This isn't hard and doesn't violate anyone's privacy. Strangely enough, I never had to solve a puzzle. I guess recrapcha likes empty useragent strings, no cookies, and spoofed refers. Though the xhr that it does will do whatever it wants. As best as I could tell it doesn't seem to be sending our post content over to google (yet). But google could start doing that without notice at any time. tl;dr Stop violating your user's privacy MAL. Remove recaptcha. That key has nothing to do with you, it's actually the same for the whole website, it's called the "Site Key". Also there are no puzzles involved, because Recaptcha v3 tracks information in your browser to determine the likeliness of you being a bot (most likely clicks, mouse movement, and other stuff) This roughly how Recaptcha v3 works: 1) Whenever you're submitting a form that requires recaptcha, the javascript code will send some data to google then google sends back a "token". 2) Your browser then sends that token to MAL's backend along side all other informations required for the form submit. 3) MAL's backend then sends that token back to google along side a "Secret Key", google sends back a bunch of information, the most important one is a value between 0 and 1. The closer to 0, the more likely you are a bot. 4) MAL's backend uses that value to determine whether you're a bot or not. If they decide you're a bot, your form submit fails otherwise it passes. |
Only_BradFeb 21, 2021 4:48 PM
Feb 23, 2021 1:39 PM
reCaptcha and Privacy gear in the bottom right screen are annoying, especially when I want to read manga on MangaStore. Please delet |
Stay gold! 魔法よ魔法よ生まれておいで! Sasuga Kasuga! Osaka fan club on MAL. Join us if you like Osaka-san! |
Feb 23, 2021 4:26 PM
EdgyEcchiSenpai said: reCaptcha and Privacy gear in the bottom right screen are annoying, especially when I want to read manga on MangaStore. Please delet Try to remove it with ublock origin, an essential chrome extension, and you don't need to read all that text just follow the screenshots I also have a CSS script for it if you use Stylish or Stylus |
Feb 26, 2021 5:31 PM
Only_Brad said: Recaptcha v3 tracks information in your browser to determine the likeliness of you being a bot (most likely clicks, mouse movement, and other stuff) And with that Google builds an exact fingerprint of your traffic data, so even if one day you decide to use a VPN, change provider, or pc, they will still know which instances of "someone on the web doing things" are "you", and they will know what "you" have been doing, and "you" are doing. Killing any privacy whatsoever. That's the bad type of tracking we all want Google and other companies to stop. Aand noscript is blocked again. Even if you allow every domain, it doesn't let you post until you completely disable the script. ...MAL stahp Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button. edit: there was a deleted post in between my posts |
FullyChargedDec 11, 2021 9:43 PM
bruh |
Mar 10, 2021 1:32 PM
FullyCharged said: Noscript works with MAL. You might need to allow both gstatic and google because of the recaptcha systemAand noscript is blocked again. Even if you allow every domain, it doesn't let you post until you completely disable the script. ...MAL stahp |
Mar 10, 2021 2:22 PM
First I was like: That's bad! Now I'm like: Oh well..guess google already knows about my darkest sides |
Mar 10, 2021 2:52 PM
Noboru said: FullyCharged said: Noscript works with MAL. You might need to allow both gstatic and google because of the recaptcha systemAand noscript is blocked again. Even if you allow every domain, it doesn't let you post until you completely disable the script. ...MAL stahp Read above. I allow every domain. |
bruh |
Mar 10, 2021 3:00 PM
FullyCharged said: Then you have other advanced settings or have additional blockers, because it works for me with NoScriptNoboru said: FullyCharged said: Aand noscript is blocked again. Even if you allow every domain, it doesn't let you post until you completely disable the script. ...MAL stahp Read above. I allow every domain. |
Mar 13, 2021 5:06 PM
I discovered MAL is using recatcha when I got disconnected and had to prove I wasn't a bot for logging in back into an account I had for more than ten years. I also use uMatrix and having to whitelist f***** g**gle to be able to use MAL disgusts me. I don't go on that website to be spied on by this corporation. Like I didn't, I had to use a proxy (TOR) to add my freaking new anime to my list. And I can tell you it's the usual bullying for proxy users with MAL banning almost every TOR's ip. Anyway, I am seriously thinking of quitting MAL for a more respectful alternative. The only problem I had until now was to find one which can do anime + manga. EDIT: OF COURSE RECAPTCHA IS HERE TO FORBID ME FROM POSTING THIS EVEN THOUGH I AM FUCKING LOGGED IN!!! TRULY REPULSIVE!!! |
Apr 14, 2021 12:12 PM
It appears that now it is required to run Recaptcha scripts even to update your anime list. Honestly, i'm just tired of this crap. Time to finally learn how to properly use AniDB for logging i guess. |
GenoardApr 22, 2021 9:04 AM <- the largest collection of anime Openings & Endings on the Web <- guess an anime from your list by it's Opening/Ending music browser game |
Apr 15, 2021 11:33 AM
Ah, this must be why the Kitsu's auto exporter is down. |
Apr 15, 2021 12:19 PM
Genoard said: but as v3 does not require human interaction, it’s hard to say how Google profits from it while still providing this service for free They profit more from v3 with reduced legal risk They are aware of the legal risk of outright blocking users from accessing services, so reCAPTCHA v3 contains no user facing UI, Google merely makes a suggestion in the form of a user score, so the responsibility to delay or block access and the legal liability that comes with it falls on websites. reCAPTCHA v2 is superseded by v3 because it presents a broader opportunity for Google to collect data, and do so with reduced legal risk. Since reCAPTCHA v3 scripts must be loaded on every page of a site, you must send Google your browsing history and detailed data about how you interact with sites in order to access basic services on the internet, such as paying your bills, or accessing healthcare services. It's needless to say that the kind of data that is collected by reCAPTCHA v3 is extremely sensitive. Those requests contain data about your motor skills, health issues, and your interests and desires based on how you interact with content. Everything about you that can be inferred or extracted from a website visit is collected and sent to Google. |
<Insert clever quote> |
Apr 15, 2021 3:55 PM
I'm really concerned about the direction MAL is heading in. The recent change not only requires me to allow Google spyware on my PC but also blocks all useful third party applications that relied on the unofficial API (MAL's official API is still far from complete, I can't sync, I can't set start/end dates, I can't get other info!!). And yes I'm talking about programs like MALSync and MALClient that I'm sure many MAL users use and need to use in order to keep their lists updated. I've contemplated moving over to Anilist full time (I sync currently, which is broken by recent MAL changes!!), but I really like MAL's history feature and reviews which are the only things keeping me from making the switch. Please MAL, get your API in order first and maybe use hcaptcha. Not all of us are eager to sell our privacy for nothing. |
Apr 18, 2021 8:09 PM
ajmug said: I'm really concerned about the direction MAL is heading in. The recent change not only requires me to allow Google spyware on my PC but also blocks all useful third party applications that relied on the unofficial API (MAL's official API is still far from complete, I can't sync, I can't set start/end dates, I can't get other info!!). And yes I'm talking about programs like MALSync and MALClient that I'm sure many MAL users use and need to use in order to keep their lists updated. I've contemplated moving over to Anilist full time (I sync currently, which is broken by recent MAL changes!!), but I really like MAL's history feature and reviews which are the only things keeping me from making the switch. Please MAL, get your API in order first and maybe use hcaptcha. Not all of us are eager to sell our privacy for nothing. THIS EXACTLY! And does ANYBODY from MAL actually browse these forums at all? |
Apr 19, 2021 8:15 AM
traed said: MAL could just use hCaptcha instead. Google is going to if not already charge for reCaptcha. traed said: AgreedMAL could just use hCaptcha instead. Google is going to if not already charge for reCaptcha. |
Apr 19, 2021 8:15 AM
Fix this issue my third party app doesn't function anymore, even the website is a hit or miss |
Apr 19, 2021 8:17 AM
This move has effectively disabled multiple apps I use to track what I watch and I think its about time to switch to a different Anime tracking service if this change persists |
Apr 19, 2021 8:30 AM
This move to mandate Google tracking to access MAL is totally unacceptable. Google is good & all, but I'd rather try to hide some aspects of my life from them. They already know faaaaar too much, as is. |
Apr 19, 2021 1:58 PM
Just wanted to let everyone know we appreciate the comments and objections involving MAL's usage of Google's Recaptcha service. We understand your concerns and are continuing to evaluate all our solutions to combat our perpetual spammer/botter problems. |
Apr 19, 2021 2:47 PM
I am having so many recaptcha related problems on MAL at the moment. Even without using any kind of script or ad blockers signing in on my phone. Pretty disappointing. |
Apr 19, 2021 4:53 PM
Apparently reCAPTCHA also breaks their OWN app (not to mention the one I use frequently ;_;). Shit absolutely sucks :( |
Apr 19, 2021 5:42 PM
Xinil said: Just wanted to let everyone know we appreciate the comments and objections involving MAL's usage of Google's Recaptcha service. We understand your concerns and are continuing to evaluate all our solutions to combat our perpetual spammer/botter problems. Hey Xinil, I have a different possible solution to combat bots but not sure who to message. You or @Kineta ? Unfortunately I don't code so I only have a limited understanding of how it works to explain some of the things that would need done to make it work without inconveniencing some users. It's possible it's already being done without us knowing though. |
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Apr 19, 2021 7:31 PM
@traed You could share them with me first if you want, then I could see what is more likely possible and what isn't. I could also "convert" that to a programming logic text that would be easier, faster and make sense for them to read, so maybe I could save their text reading time |
Click here to see My Tampermonkey Scripts For MAL If you like my work, please consider supporting it! Cryptos |
Apr 21, 2021 6:08 AM
Because of this shit I can't even use my third party app. Do us a favour and remove it. |
Apr 21, 2021 6:16 AM
Rimuru_kyun said: Because of this shit I can't even use my third party app. Do us a favour and remove it. This... |
Apr 21, 2021 6:27 AM
Revert to the old way this recaptcha is breaking all my third party apps |
Apr 21, 2021 6:37 AM
This blows it breaks apps pls go make it so other apps can use mal |
Apr 22, 2021 9:05 AM
As of today (22.04.2021), it seems that Recaptcha requirement for updating lists and posting on forum have been disabled (for now). Wish it stayed that way. | <- the largest collection of anime Openings & Endings on the Web <- guess an anime from your list by it's Opening/Ending music browser game |
Apr 22, 2021 10:04 AM
Genoard said: As of today (22.04.2021), it seems that Recaptcha requirement for updating lists and posting on forum have been disabled (for now). Wish it stayed that way. Appears to be fixed in my case, thanks for the heads up. Filed a report with MAL regarding something else & I brought this up. Not sure if that helped push things along or not. Just glad I can finally update shows again. Hopefully this stays fixed. It was really terrible. |
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