- Medium (5-20 minutes)
- Past month
- 480p or higher
- Ku6
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- Clear filters
- Dora the Explorer Dora's
Easter Adventure - Dora the Explorer
Easter Episode - Dora the Explorer Dora's
Pegaso Adventure - Dora the Explorer
Mermaid - Dora the Explorer Dora's
World Adventure - Dora the Explorer Dora
and Diego Rescue - Dora the Explorer Dora's
Big Birthday - Dora the Explorer
Little Map - Dora the Explorer
Christmas Carol - Dora the Explorer
X - Dora the Explorer Dora
and Diego Amazing - Dora the Explorer
World Adventure Fifi - Dora the Explorer Dora's
World Adventure DVD - Dora the Explorer Dora's
Ballet Adventure - Dora the Explorer
Cowgirl Dora Map - Dora the Explorer Dora's
Knighthood Adventure - Dora the Explorer Dora's
Dance Show - Dora the Explorer
Fairy Star - Dora the Explorer
Diego Rescue Dash - Dora the Explorer
in Troll World - Dora the Explorer
Moon - Dora the Explorer
World Adventure Vimeo - Dora the Explorer