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Monogatari Series: Final Season
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Aug 19, 2019 2:21 AM

May 2015
Episode and Izuko looking at the Episode look alike BL and Izuko look alike milf porn magazines respectively made me laugh my ass off.
Nov 14, 2019 12:48 AM

Jun 2017
The back and forth between Shinobu and Kanbaru was the highlight of the episode and it was a pretty deep conversation. Looks like the First one tried to assassinate Araragi by making him drink poison, luckily he was saved by Gaen and Episode.
EmperorAlfredNov 14, 2019 12:54 AM
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Jan 18, 2020 3:55 AM

Dec 2018
i thought the back and forth was cringe and went on way too long. ruined the episode.
Feb 23, 2020 2:00 AM

Feb 2019
this episode is so intense i feel the ntr vibes
Anime is fun.
Jun 1, 2020 12:47 AM

Nov 2018
The series is known for its great dialogues, but this one was kinda cliche and repetitive.
I hate everyone equally
Jul 30, 2020 5:51 PM

Jun 2013
That was absolutely steller! I was completly spellbound with the duel between Shinobu and Kanbaru, and the light pouring through the shrine along with the soundtrack was a nice cherry on top. This next Episode is gonna be lit!
"The will to live is stronger than anything else"
Aug 14, 2020 11:32 AM

Jan 2019
Oooohhhh spicy time debate with shinobu and her ex next time on dragon ball z....
Aug 25, 2020 11:10 AM

Aug 2020
Uma marca de pé que protegeu ele? Ononoki-chan não perde tempo.

Se no episódio passado eu tive que reassistir para entender a explicação, dessa vez eu tive que reassistir de tão bonito que foi o discurso, Kanbaru MVP! Ela entende (parcialmente) os sentimentos do primeiro servo e estava preparada para morrer pelo que acreditava, impressionante. Esperava que essas palavras fariam a Shinobu confrontar o primeiro servo, mas esse não parece o caso.

Eu lembro que a saliva e o sangue dele curam ferimentos, esperava por uma lambida no ferimento da Kanbaru, mas esse também não foi caso, será que a separação da Shinobu o impede de fazer isso?

Mas como o Araragi pretende combater o primeiro servo? Por mais que não seja um vampiro por completo, ainda é algo muito maior que o Araragi, algum discurso planejado? Ou teremos o próximo banho de sangue?

Agora deixando isso de lado, quando vi a capa da "revista" do Araragi, eu sabia que a semelhança com a Gaen não era coincidência, mas a capa do BL ser igual ao Episode não foi previsto, Kaiki and Episode Spin-off, quando?


A footprint that protected him? Ononoki-chan wastes no time.

If in the last episode I had to re-watch to understand the explanation, this time I had to re-watch the speech, Kanbaru MVP! She understands (partially) the feelings of the first servant and was prepared to die for what she believed, impressive. I hoped those words would make Shinobu confront the first servant, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

I remember that his saliva and blood heal wounds, I was hoping for a lick on Kanbaru's wound, but that was also not the case, does Shinobu's separation prevent him from doing this?

But how does Araragi intend to fight the first servant? As much as he is not a vampire at all, is it still something much bigger than Araragi, some planned speech? Or will we have the next bloodbath?

Now leaving that aside, when I saw the cover of Araragi's "magazine", I knew that the resemblance to Gaen was not a coincidence, but the cover of BL being the same as Episode was not foreseen, Kaiki and Episode Spin-off, when?

(Sorry for potato english)
Unlimited Rulebook, boku wa kimegao de sou itta.
Sep 19, 2020 2:13 AM

Aug 2019
Damn that argument felt like it went on forever(in a good way).
Sep 19, 2020 3:54 AM

Jun 2020
Well I actually don't remember much about Episode, well I'm glad that Shinobu didn't kill Kanbaru.

The misunderstanding was very funny lol.

I really enjoyed this episode again the animation on the short fight scene was good so my rating will be 5/5.
Oct 6, 2020 12:52 AM
Mar 2018
shinobu got schooled lol. cliche ish message but man if u 500 yrs old, you should know that by now lol. now on to the duel
Nov 1, 2020 4:11 PM

Apr 2019
Finally! He's here! I've been eagerly waiting for Episode to return and here he is. Idk how much action he'll have in the next episode but I'm just hoping that he'll be present lol.

I think this is probably my fav ep of this arc so far, since we finally got to see Episode and cause Kanbaru's one-on-one with Shinobu was just the best part of the entire episode.

Excited to see this 'duel to the death' next ep.
Apr 6, 2021 10:16 AM

Oct 2016
Man, that was such an amazing episode, easily the best episode of the arc so far.

Pretty cool how the first pretty much talks the same way as Araragi, I don't know if it was just because Kamiya Hiroshi was also voicing him or that's really how it was intended, for them to speak similarly, still pretty cool. I am wondering how he isn't affected by the sun though, I hope they address that next episode. Speaking of episode, it's really good to see Episode again.

I already love Kanbaru, but damn, that talk with Shinobu made me love her even more. And she managed to make Shinobu stand down, that's fucking amazing.
Jun 30, 2021 3:24 PM

Feb 2020
Alright my interest in Shinobu came back in an instant. A bit late, maybe too late, but still, that was great. But the one who really made this episode for me wasn't her, but Kanbaru. She read through Shinobu so well, and that's because she can relate to her first subject. She wanted for Senjougahara to tell her she didn't love her, and when she actually did, as painful as it was, it's what gave Kanbaru the possibility to move on. Well, of course. How could have she if Senjougahara kept her in the dark ? She needed a closure, and that was the only way for her to get it.

And what's particularly great is that this reminds me a lot of the Sodachi arc's message. The context was different, but in the end what Oikura needed was for Araragi to tell her the truth, as painful as it was. That's a truth she probably didn't want to hear (which is confirmed if you take a look at Mathemagic's lyrics), but in the end that was the best thing to do, she couldn't just be left like that forever.
And the parallel is even more interesting if you take a look at Decent Black's lyrics, and at one line in particular : "The lies mixed with kindness are still lies covered with kindness, right ?". I brought up this specific line because that whole "lies mixed with kindness" thing perfectly goes along with one of Shinobu's arguments, and at the same time the "are still lies covered with kindness" part completely destroys it. It is easy to say you want to protect the other person, that you don't want them to get hurt. But the truth is that you are hurting them even more by hiding the truth from them. Giving false hopes that you know will get destroyed one day or another is a very unhealthy thing to do, even if the intention is noble.
But that's what separates Shinobu from Araragi : it is that Shinobu doesn't actually hide the truth because of a fear to hurt her subject, but because of a fear to hurt herself. She runs away, she hides, all because she doesn't want to admit anything, just because she doesn't want to face the problem. And by doing so, she is running away from her responsabilities.

Even if Kanbaru's words were harsh, she was right about everything. What Shinobu is doing here is giving the impression that every single one of her relationships will be unstable. If she is unable to discuss a problem, if she is unable to say out loud how she feels about the persons involved, if she doesn't consider them worthy of hearing the truth, then it's almost as if they weren't important enough to her, and that includes Araragi. If Shinobu is unable to state in front of the 1st that someone else has become the 1st, it's just as if she were saying she isn't certain Araragi is the real 1st, and actually she stated it herself. And in that case, yes, the truth has to be uncovered, even if said truth is that she still cares more about her old subject than about Araragi.
Because that's the thing : in a relationship, there are at least two persons involved. You can't just think about how you, and you alone feel. The other person's feelings are just as important. And the most important thing, in any relationship of any kind, is dialogue. Discussing the problem might sound scary, it is scary, but running away will do absolutely no good on the long term, whereas telling the truth will.

Also, Kanbaru's advice to Araragi was great. "Do Your Best", that becomes "Do It Yourself". I have a feeling this line impacted a lot of Araragi's actions in the Sodachi arcs. Actually, that even probably explains his finale decision to go and talk to Oikura face to face, without anyone else involved. Ougi herself admitted she underestimated him, and for her to say something like that, that means Araragi must have considerably surpassed himself. And to do that, he probably remembered the words "Do It Yourself" right when he took his decision. That's why he didn't answer to Ougi at this moment. Because at this very moment, he realized that he couldn't just rely on someone else all the time. At this very moment, it was him who had to take actions, without anyone else involved.

Seriously the messages are so good and I love how everything seems connected, this season might become my favorite from Monogatari.
Jul 16, 2021 3:26 AM

Jul 2019
This season is brilliant. For me top of the list from what I watched so far.
Sep 21, 2021 2:07 AM
Aug 2021
Kanbaru really shined this episode by convincing Shinobu to meet the apparition killer. So that footprint left by Ononoki on Araragi's face protects him. Love how Izuko is reading a magazine with her face on the cover.
Anime girl Shia le Bouf says:-
Do yova besto!
-Facktack-Sep 21, 2021 3:08 AM
Apr 12, 2022 11:36 AM

Aug 2019
such an amazing episode , wasn't expecting a kanbaru clutch like that at all but that was executed sooo good
Apr 18, 2022 3:46 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Ok this episode confirms Kanbaru as best girl of the series it ain't even close son

whiskey tango foxtrot

Mar 28, 2023 6:36 AM
Nov 2010
Gaen is a very delicious MILF! She's so sexually attractive in that outfit she always wears, even though she isn't supposed to since it looks so tomboyish.
Jun 21, 2023 3:36 AM
Mar 2023
Holo_or_Horo said:
I don't understand why people liked the argument between Kanbaru and Shinobu saying it was "deep" and things along those lines. It was 99% of Shinobu giving valid reasons to not see her first kin and 1% of Kanbaru just saying "logic doesn't matter" with no other reasoning, and somehow it's "deep" and "great." Kanbaru repeating the same stupid phrase was enough to make me dislike her completely, as someone who liked Kanbaru, it was completely out of character and was just painful to listen to. Guess she goes in the bin next to Hanekawa and Ougi.

Otherwise this season up till now was great, and Sodachi arcs didn't make my ears bleed.

yeah I agree with you it was so stupid otherwise the show is great.
Nov 10, 2023 5:09 AM
Jul 2018
What a fight that was between Shinobu and Saru. Episode has made a reveal after many episodes! I like this guy
May 21, 2024 1:08 PM

Dec 2018
Mad respect for Kanbaru in this one, she schooled a vampire that’s been around a lot longer than her and somehow didn’t die lol. Also the stuff with the “first kin” has been interesting, I’m excited to see how it all goes down in the last episode of Owari.

Also that “Do It Yourself” bit at the end got me wanting to rewatch the show that has that as its title, it wouldn’t come out for like 7 years when this came out, kinda wild to think about.
TheColonel76May 21, 2024 1:16 PM
Jun 4, 2024 9:22 PM
Oct 2017
Episode and Gaen reading their respective book covers that Araragi bought 😅. Also Number 1 is definitely sketchy, Shinobu is definitely gonna choose Araragi over him. Also, despite all her nonsense, Kanburu shined this episode with her speech towards Shinobu. Great character development.
Jul 10, 2024 4:00 PM
May 2021
this episode is in my top 10 mongatari episodes fs. the conversation with shinobu and kanbaru everthing was amazing
Aug 30, 2024 4:07 PM

Nov 2023
kanbaru soooooo tufff
Sep 3, 2024 8:49 PM

Jul 2016
Err... what kind of soap opera has this arc turned into? Shinobu Mail is basically about Shinobu being reluctant to meet up with her ex lol. Man, what a strange episode.

Also, I'm still not sure if I liked the fact of "Queen of Aberrations" 500yo Shinobu getting scolded by a 16yo pervy masochist but guess Araragi is right about Kanbaru being the most suitable person for this kind of... dramas. Hanekawa could have been another solid option but she's currently showering with Senjougahara so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Mar 11, 6:02 PM
Dec 2023
My respect for Kanbaru>>>> Amazing episode with the dialogue between her and Shinobu. Absolutely tore her apart, but for an important reason. Also really nice that the first kin wasn't your typical "revengeful" guy, but more neutral. Typical of Monogatari, which I love.
Mar 15, 3:25 PM

Jan 2024

Kanbaru was absolutely amazing . Destroyed Shinobu.
Huge respect to her. This arc is really showing she is way way more than a comedy relif character.
Yes Shinobu face him and let him know his place. Or let Araragi kill him in grudge match.

"I thought you were Senjougahara"
"Saiteeeee" 🤣🤣😭

That other guy with Kaiki in BL LN is Episode lol and he is reading that meanwhile Gaen seeing her inspired Milf mags..Peak content
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