Memphis May Fire - The Sinner (Official Music Video)

  • Опубликовано: 29 мар 2025
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    Digging a hole that I can't get out of
    Deeper and deeper below the surface
    To find that there's nothing there
    Where do I go from here?
    Give me something that I can feel!
    Back and forth here we go again
    What will it take to keep it together?
    What will it take to keep it together?
    What will it take?
    What will it take?
    What will it take to keep it together?
    I've never felt so empty
    Keep me close, keep me close
    Keep my head above water
    I need to hear your voice
    I can't do this on my own
    Beneath the sun I am rotting
    Just like the ones that came before me
    I cannot deny my own walk has become a crawl
    I've never felt so
    I've never felt so lost
    I know
    I could never run far enough
    To escape your love
    (To escape your love)
    So why do I keep running?
    Now the chaos is all around me
    Show me the light at the end of the tunnel
    I need you to save me from myself
    Give me something I can feel!
    Keep me close, keep me close
    Keep my head above water
    I need to hear your voice
    I can't do this on my own
    (I can't do this on my own)
    Keep me close, keep me close
    (Keep my head above water)
    I can't do this on my own
    Take all my guilt
    Take all my pride
    I want to know you sincerely
    I'm on my knees
    Take all of me
    I want to feel you here with me
    Feel you here with me!
    Take all my guilt
    Take all my pride
    I want to feel you here with me
    Keep me close, keep me close
    Keep my head above water
    I need to hear your voice
    I can't do this on my own
    (I can't do this on my own)
    Keep me close, keep me close
    (Keep my head above water)
    I can't do this on my own
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Комментарии • 7 тыс.

  • @TrevanDotCom
    @TrevanDotCom Год назад +57

    Man for a 12 year old music video, it REALLY stands up

  • @ChronicBreakdown
    @ChronicBreakdown 7 лет назад +322

    "Take all my guilt, take all my pride. I want to know you sincerely. I'm on my knees, take all of me. I want to feel you here with me." This perfectly wraps up how I feel. God, please help us all.

    • @jordanjoestar8839
      @jordanjoestar8839 5 лет назад +3

      Step 1- Exist

    • @hacking444_TTV
      @hacking444_TTV 5 лет назад +10

      @@jordanjoestar8839 Step: 1 know what the songs about before you talk shit

    • @caidenmodlin2213
      @caidenmodlin2213 5 лет назад

      Jordan Joestar bitch

    • @shadorain
      @shadorain 4 года назад +26

      @@caidenmodlin2213 I agree the kid is um... confused, but we as Christians shouldn't react to what they dont know in anger

    • @rshome6924
      @rshome6924 4 года назад +3

      @@shadorain what do you know more than anyone else 😂 you have a belief, which is fine, but to say that other people just don't know is so arrogant when your belief has 0 proof

  • @soteriakolivoski7911
    @soteriakolivoski7911 11 лет назад +671

    This isn't a song. Its a fucking experience.

    • @Business4ward
      @Business4ward 6 лет назад +6

      Soteria Kolivoski Four years later, I believe this still to be true.

    • @porker510
      @porker510 6 лет назад +4

      This song, hell this album saved my life and not figuratively either.

    • @AnonURnot
      @AnonURnot 6 лет назад +2

      Krazynative Gaming The album literally saved your life? Please do explain.

    • @porker510
      @porker510 6 лет назад +5

      MrSpinel I had some dark times in my life and when I listened to this album it helped me through. Help me realize things in different perspectives. What may have helped or worked for me obv the same can’t be said for others. This is my own opinion.

    • @jakenotfromstatefarm6721
      @jakenotfromstatefarm6721 6 лет назад +3

      Same krazy. This whole genre gave me a way to feed off my rage and focus it

  • @shangrillama2423
    @shangrillama2423 3 года назад +106

    I've listened to this band pretty much since this song came out and it took me until this year to realize this song is a prayer, a confession, repentance. As someone who turned back to God in the last 8 months this song speaks to me now more than ever

    • @zacksmith6568
      @zacksmith6568 2 года назад +4


    • @FreshSqueezedLightning
      @FreshSqueezedLightning Год назад +7

      You’d also love No Ordinary Love then

    • @tonycastronova8834
      @tonycastronova8834 Год назад +10

      100% I found my faith this year and this song feels like he's screaming for Christ and it's beautiful

    • @marshal11ify
      @marshal11ify 10 месяцев назад +2


  • @dymassdio
    @dymassdio 2 года назад +21

    i know that this song is about christianity, but the message is pretty relatable for me who is on struggle facing darkness and emptiness for 7 years on

    • @child_of_weakness7600
      @child_of_weakness7600 3 месяца назад +1

      How is it now 2 years later?

    • @AskingA_
      @AskingA_ 3 месяца назад +2

      That's the beauty of it. Event believers face those things daily, that's why we look to the one who can save us from that. I hope you're doing better now

  • @andrewderby6871
    @andrewderby6871 9 лет назад +23

    yalls music is amazing. as a Christian that enjoys the harder rock, listening to this allows me to enjoy the music I like and a deeper message that hits on a harder note. keep rockin guys.

  • @alexandergonzalez9375
    @alexandergonzalez9375 Год назад +55

    every like on this comment make me come back to watch this video again(2024)

    • @brysonxd
      @brysonxd Год назад +2


  • @witchynyx
    @witchynyx 3 года назад +196

    Over 10 years later and I still religiously listen to this song. Absolutely amazing.

    • @kevinengefehr7537
      @kevinengefehr7537 3 года назад


    • @yondaimesin
      @yondaimesin 3 года назад +2

      Even though ive come to find this album in particular really pandering(lyrics wise), the instrumentals and vocals matty brought were just masterclass in melodic metalcore.

    • @post-hardcoreGuy
      @post-hardcoreGuy Год назад +1

      I see what you did there, great pun

    • @noisepollution6761
      @noisepollution6761 Год назад

      It's like slayer and linkin park the 2010s era £

    • @noisepollution6761
      @noisepollution6761 Год назад


  • @jeremyilang7079
    @jeremyilang7079 11 лет назад +84

    Really, who cares if they're "generic" as classified by people's opinions. MMF is aimed to do what they have a passion to do; write and perform music. Plus, Matty Mullins is a Christian in the band and this song without a doubt is about his love for Christ and I totally admire that. In essence, lyrics mean a lot more than the sounds of the song and this song was absolutely the bomb

    • @1_tht_180
      @1_tht_180 8 лет назад

      S*ххxy Singlе Girl Living in your city => MMМemрhis Мay Fire Thе Sinnеr Official МMМMusiсc Videeeо

  • @Pimppaperclip
    @Pimppaperclip 11 лет назад +358

    This is still my favorite MMF song to this day

  • @mikaylamayfire841
    @mikaylamayfire841 8 лет назад +6

    I hate how people are saying how their new stuff is preachy and "pushing God", so is their older stuff. Matty is just singing about what he loves. Why is that such an issue with people? I'll always love Memphis May Fire and what they stand for.

  • @casareformada
    @casareformada Год назад +24

    "Take out my guilt, my pride..." gives me chills.

  • @thelexidoe
    @thelexidoe 10 лет назад +11

    I love how this describes my relationship with God perfectly

  • @michaelcolascione2423
    @michaelcolascione2423 3 года назад +84

    This album was on repeat in college. They dropped a new track that was pretty fire.

    • @garychesney9049
      @garychesney9049 3 года назад +3

      This album and Cudi MOTM2 were my albums of that time!

    • @MonoKrohm_2020
      @MonoKrohm_2020 2 года назад

      Their new album is so good. Relevant and relatable

  • @emileeisonfire7
    @emileeisonfire7 10 лет назад +6

    I love how people are calling this 'generic' when The Hollow is probably MMF's best album along with Unconditional. If you don't like it, there's the door!!

  • @teufelshund5691
    @teufelshund5691 9 лет назад +327

    There should be 'The Hollow Pt. II' or something that resembles to this masterpiece of an album.

    • @H4AB
      @H4AB 9 лет назад +2

      You're damn right.

    • @flinnndivili846
      @flinnndivili846 9 лет назад

      You are right damn it!

    • @ByrdeBrains
      @ByrdeBrains 9 лет назад

      If only.

    • @OutsideOReality
      @OutsideOReality 9 лет назад +1

      +ThoseTwoDudes every album they've ever done basically sounds the same so there ya go

    • @teufelshund5691
      @teufelshund5691 9 лет назад +16

      ***** 'Sleepwalking' and 'Challenger' doesn't sound alike, pal.

  • @grojas102
    @grojas102 3 года назад +375

    2022 and this song is still an absolute banger!

  • @ClevelandVegan
    @ClevelandVegan 10 лет назад +164

    still not seeing why people hate unconditional so much this is just as much about God as unconditional album songs are......

    • @collinwelch4423
      @collinwelch4423 9 лет назад +32

      People just need something to hate, and when they get something new, they go for that.

    • @petercino8334
      @petercino8334 9 лет назад +32

      Let's see, the production on The Hollow is thick, punchy and we'll balanced, the composition is generally better, albeit still generic to their genre. And the lyrics aren't so blatantly about God and Christ or pretentiously preachy as they are on Unconditional. Take the chorus, the words there aren't obviously about God. Sure, Matty probably wrote them with God in mind, but they can be recontextuallized to fit say, a loved one, a parent or guardian, or someone a person looks up to for guidance. Overall this song is about someone who has done wrong and is looking to good for guidance. Not about how amazing god is.

    • @ClevelandVegan
      @ClevelandVegan 9 лет назад +8

      Peter Cino
      but there are lines in the song that obviously u cant make about a regular person like the line take all my guilt take all my pride no one can take your pride or guilt away if u dont believe in God u just have to face the battle on your own and better yourself that line alone makes it pretty much saying this is about God theres no way in rephrase it

    • @ClevelandVegan
      @ClevelandVegan 9 лет назад +2

      Peter Cino
      and yes they were better sounding on the hollow and challenging but that doesnt always mean their music is meaningful and memphis may fire always has tried to be a meaningful band and while instrumentally unconditional isnt as good as the past albums lyrically it is way more meaningful and not saying the other albums werent but unconditional for me lyrically surpassed challenger and the hollow

    • @dangrogan1311
      @dangrogan1311 9 лет назад

      I mean it doesn't really matter what the singer intended the song to be about, it's mainly just how you interpret the song yourself. The God thing shouldn't be an issue for people who use that as a reason to dislike Unconditional. I just don't like Unconditional because the music wasn't up to par with who Memphis May Fire is. I think along the way (and this is evident in Challenger too) they're writing abilities took a hit, especially in their choruses. I haven't really liked a chorus of theirs since The Hollow, give or take a few songs on Challenger. That and Unconditional to me is like Challenger Part 2, meaning they sound the same to me.
      But this is just my opinion

  • @BloodnightStudios
    @BloodnightStudios 10 лет назад +169

    These lyrics are great if used as a prayer...
    "Dear God, I know I could never run far enough to escape your love.
    So why do I keep running?
    Keep me close, keep me close, God.
    Keep my head above water
    I need to hear your voice. I can't do this on my own.
    Take all my guilt. Take all my pride.
    I want to know you sincerely.
    I'm on my knees. Take all of me
    I want to feel you here with me
    I want to feel you here with me!

    • @nathansutter62
      @nathansutter62 10 лет назад +12

      I've been waiting so long for a band with this style music but with lyrics like these... this band is perfect for that

    • @liam2618
      @liam2618 9 лет назад +7

      ***** or like, you could just leave it how it is.

    • @ForTheRock
      @ForTheRock 9 лет назад +1

      Nathan Sutter if you are interested in more like this check out Fit For a King, For Today, August Burns Red, The Devil Wears Prada, Wolves at the Gate, granted they are all different but all are metalcore with great lyrics.

    • @joedubz1419
      @joedubz1419 9 лет назад +1

      CreationSensation I concur, I prefer it the way it is. But honestly, if it makes ***** happy, then I say let him have it ;-)

    • @The1971Cuda1
      @The1971Cuda1 9 лет назад +4

      +Chris Adam OH YEAH ! WOLVES AT THE GATE!
      So glad to see someone finally mention them...
      You sir have great taste!

  • @CelticFC.1888
    @CelticFC.1888 2 года назад +1

    Little known fact, this song wasn’t written by MMF, it was written by a baptist dude
    from london named Enoch, Enoch being religious i’m sure the lyrics are religious, i’m not religious, but what a great person and what a talented lyric writer

  • @MrShittered
    @MrShittered 10 лет назад +2085

    I miss THIS Memphis May Fire.

    • @zpequignot
      @zpequignot 10 лет назад +87

      Couldn't agree more. The hollow was the best album

    • @joedubz1419
      @joedubz1419 10 лет назад +32

      MrShittered Sooooo true! Unconditional was decent, but sweet Jeezus this is soooooooooooooooooo fuggin good!

    • @fucc773
      @fucc773 9 лет назад +13

      MrShittered but everything sounds the same by them

    • @The1971Cuda1
      @The1971Cuda1 9 лет назад +15

      I think their high point was Vices but this high up on my favorite songs by MMF

    • @1MusicsMyLife1
      @1MusicsMyLife1 9 лет назад +27

      +The1971Cuda1 Challenger is an amazing album! "Vices" is no doubt my favorite MMF song along with "Beneath The Skin" and "The Sinner"!

  • @breespooner157
    @breespooner157 10 лет назад +14

    A great religious band. I love it. I mean, who couldn't like this?!

  • @DeepDarkDweller
    @DeepDarkDweller Год назад +6

    This album was so good. None of their recent stuff even comes close to this album and It's kind of a shame.

    • @henrysanchez8820
      @henrysanchez8820 Год назад

      timeless masterpiece, that album is deep and dark

  • @pedroaintwitchoshit3106
    @pedroaintwitchoshit3106 4 года назад +31

    should i play this at church n be like chill its christian music

  • @phuzzawuzza1759
    @phuzzawuzza1759 10 лет назад +3

    1:25 to 1:57 is perfect, infact the whole song is, I just absolutely love that part!

    • @cribbles3476
      @cribbles3476 Год назад

      Hope you are still alive and well!

  • @erkvtcvlt
    @erkvtcvlt 4 года назад +279

    2021 anyone? a classic..

  • @andrewbarnes3095
    @andrewbarnes3095 5 лет назад +154

    I pray in 2019 for music like this again.

  • @bransag23
    @bransag23 Год назад +1

    Welcome to 2024, I still admire the dedication he had to this music video. He had to do some gross things...

  • @mmf-rules
    @mmf-rules 3 года назад +15

    I'm back for Matty's post about 10 year anniversary of "the hollow" and new album having this vibe, happy 10 years 🤘🤘🤘

  • @doniefootballmobile7694
    @doniefootballmobile7694 2 года назад +13

    Simplesmente a melhor canção do MMF em minha opinião e melhor vídeo também.

  • @alvaropaez4176
    @alvaropaez4176 3 года назад +34

    2022 and still listening to this masterpiece

  • @XEBAJ
    @XEBAJ 6 дней назад

    This song is so spiritual to me. It rocked my soul. Bought river in my eye.
    Lyrics is so beautiful.

  • @johngomez4501
    @johngomez4501 Год назад +14

    The vocals man the screams 😱 bangs still hard 10 yrs later

  • @BenEd2
    @BenEd2 9 лет назад +208

    I'd never heard this band before, but Jarrod Alonge has just done a parody of this video so I'm here to watch this first. Doubt I'm the only one either.

    • @poptartcat009
      @poptartcat009 9 лет назад +1

      I kno them but not much of their discography. Lol you're not the only one.

    • @nahmanbye6129
      @nahmanbye6129 9 лет назад

      Mr Grumpyface ok me

    • @jpjavip
      @jpjavip 9 лет назад +11

      That awkward moment when Jarrod's parody is near identical to the original and it's even funnier now.

    • @Generic_Punk666
      @Generic_Punk666 9 лет назад +2

      Mr Grumpyface How have you not heard every song that Jarrod did a parody of? Their classic metalcore/posthardcore haha

    • @BenEd2
      @BenEd2 9 лет назад +1

      Kaycee Carter I'd heard of MMF, I'd just never gone out of my way to listen to them.

  • @N00bedStr
    @N00bedStr 4 года назад +15

    This song helped me get through a lot a couple years ago. Thank you.

  • @niallslegitwife
    @niallslegitwife 10 лет назад +2

    The fact that he verbally and physically shows the blood shed for us makes me love this song a hundred times more. People too often forget what this song truly means!

  • @tjswilley5265
    @tjswilley5265 11 месяцев назад +9

    Now this is worship 🎶 ✝️

    • @Mcgrauce
      @Mcgrauce 10 месяцев назад +2

      Amen 🔥

  • @memphiskash
    @memphiskash 2 года назад +8

    that chorus just popped into my head out of nowhere and i had to come bump this classic for old time's sake. absolute fucking banger

  • @markpeters3485
    @markpeters3485 11 лет назад +7

    Everything is completely amazing but the vocals and breakdowns are just incredible!! The meaning is perfect. The fact that it even has meaning is spectacular!!

  • @monaecarroll4520
    @monaecarroll4520 5 лет назад +1

    I absolutely love Memphis Mayfire they have helped me reach God in away which pastors have failed. Thank God for them. Bless them oh Lord so for they can reach many more broken. Bless them with their needs and also wants according to your will God. I pray them abundant riches . Keep them close.

  • @kateo7551
    @kateo7551 10 лет назад +5

    Love Memphis May Fire so much I saw them live in April and it was probably the best concert I've been to, such genuine nice talented guys.

  • @DeathlylAm
    @DeathlylAm 10 лет назад +130

    Mmf at their prime

  • @metalcoremania1
    @metalcoremania1 2 года назад +4

    People hated on this album saying it was generic or pandering, but guess what numbers lie.

  • @jamzkinman
    @jamzkinman 10 лет назад

    Their guitarist was worshipping the Lord. The holy spirit had a hold of him. Oh it's so beautiful.

  • @iamlupin666
    @iamlupin666 Год назад +456

    still here in 2024, who's with me?

  • @N00bedStr
    @N00bedStr 4 года назад +5

    This song got me through a lot of struggles with my first girlfriend, who happened to cheat on me a LOT. Thanks for getting me through hard times.

  • @jamesparks2236
    @jamesparks2236 2 года назад +5

    Still slapping 2022 ! Bought this CD at a show a while back they were opening for killswitch . Crushes in the car stereo. Way more than streaming it ,picks up every sound

  • @TheReV662
    @TheReV662 Месяц назад +1

    Stills hit hard

  • @kevinramirez8385
    @kevinramirez8385 4 года назад +78

    This song + Gym = Perfect

    • @dethnorth
      @dethnorth 3 года назад +1

      hahaha muscle up quick

    • @luthfiismail8674
      @luthfiismail8674 3 года назад

      the lifting for 1000lbs

    • @Tooblessed97
      @Tooblessed97 10 месяцев назад

      Bro right about to hitting max reps lol

  • @flamingsunshine
    @flamingsunshine 8 лет назад +20

    I love this band so much, they're so awesome!

  • @DeadCatComics
    @DeadCatComics 10 лет назад +50

    am I the only one who is glad Matt cut his hair?

  • @SangNguyen-uz4pb
    @SangNguyen-uz4pb 4 года назад

    I love the pre-breakdown 2:41

  • @wolfboof
    @wolfboof 8 лет назад +3

    The Hollow is an excellent album for running, makes you get so pumped.

  • @bixotti
    @bixotti 3 года назад +6

    Still one of the best albums of all time. Literal 12/10

  • @swervinandrew6838
    @swervinandrew6838 7 лет назад +6

    Thank you Memphis May Fire for putting out a powerful message through your awesome songs!

  • @floralpatterns21
    @floralpatterns21 8 лет назад +2

    crying out to god to save him 💖

  • @TundraCH
    @TundraCH 9 лет назад +16

    This song never fails to get me hyped even the most dire situations FucKiNg BeAsT

  • @rico-andreaslepp820
    @rico-andreaslepp820 8 лет назад +3

    I just can't find words to describe how much I love this band, every single album and song

  • @lazyveon
    @lazyveon 3 года назад +5

    Best midnight drive song that chorus HITS

  • @d2h655
    @d2h655 Год назад +2

    Really wish this mmf would come back

  • @SoDevious
    @SoDevious 4 года назад +5

    I remember being one of the few who rode around blasting it in the car before it had over 100k views. I knew for SURE this band would blow up as soon as they got the exposure they deserved. Vocals like that shouldn't come from a single person. =D

  • @alangkansrisuwor5480
    @alangkansrisuwor5480 2 года назад +12

    Bring back a good childhood memories

  • @spirituallyintuitivetarot
    @spirituallyintuitivetarot 2 года назад +4

    This song among many others helped me with my depression when I was battling it and I want MMF to know they were among the other bands that helped me find God and have a closer relationship with him. Thank you for keeping my head afloat when I felt like I was drowning. Words cannot express my gratitude 🙏 ✨️ oldie but so good

  • @beforeIr0t
    @beforeIr0t 7 лет назад

    The Sinner, This Light I Hold, Wanting More, Miles Away (Acoustic) and No Ordinary Love are by far the best songs that MMF has ever released.

  • @chrispsausage
    @chrispsausage Год назад +5

    This album had the whole world in a chokehold in 2011. Amazing start to finish!

  • @Endsomniac
    @Endsomniac 2 года назад +7

    Learned how to play this song on guitar the year it came out, still bangs even today.

  • @SavingVice
    @SavingVice 5 лет назад +325

    Anyone listening to this in 2019?? Still holds up

  • @TheGatsbyAffair
    @TheGatsbyAffair 6 лет назад +1

    God I miss this.

  • @nightmarej17
    @nightmarej17 10 лет назад +44

    Man... Everyone says that this sounds the same as other bands on RiseRecords. I agree to that statement only because it's a genre. All country music sounds the same. All rap sounds the same, so, in turn, of course this is going to sound the same as other post hardcore/metal core bands. BUT... once you listen to them enough, you learn their differences! :D \m/

  • @samhypewaltz
    @samhypewaltz Год назад +5

    I really love this whole album

    • @cribbles3476
      @cribbles3476 Год назад

      One of the most uniform sounding albums of all time.

  • @imbad101
    @imbad101 11 лет назад +21

    i broke a lamp when this part came in lol...... 0:36

  • @DeadBoyVonn
    @DeadBoyVonn 3 года назад +1

    Matty Never Fails To Deliver With Powerful Vocals. I Haven’t Listened To Them In So Long I Forgot How Good They Were

  • @juliusbustamante3282
    @juliusbustamante3282 3 года назад +10

    Happy 10th Year Anniversary to this album! Still in my top list.

  • @skylermcdaniel6497
    @skylermcdaniel6497 10 лет назад +7

    We all need Jesus, this song captures that perfectly.

  • @instakuatinstakuat883
    @instakuatinstakuat883 3 года назад +3

    Come here after 'Blood & Water'. Safe to say the new record should be named 'The Hollow pt.2' 🔥

  • @samcard3745
    @samcard3745 15 дней назад

    this song is so fire for me to discover it 13 years later 😭 I like new MMF but this just hits different, the melodie and riff, lyrics, the emotions

  • @ireneh.6356
    @ireneh.6356 7 лет назад +5

    Six years and not even a thousand dislikes. Proves this song rocks.

  • @Kekofrm10th
    @Kekofrm10th Год назад +5

    2023 still rockin it🖤

  • @brittanylockhart6228
    @brittanylockhart6228 10 лет назад +7

    Why do people even listen to this video if all they're going to do is criticize it? If you think it sounds terrible, that's your opinion. But do you really have to bash musicians who are just trying to do their best to please their fans and give others hope?

  • @joedubz1419
    @joedubz1419 10 лет назад +2

    Wow, just... WOW! So fuggin good! I heard this for the 1st time the other day.... My mind has officially been blown!

  • @drakausdromgatti58
    @drakausdromgatti58 Месяц назад +3

    This video traumatized my 3 year old joke...I thought the video was pretty cool myself

  • @imbad101
    @imbad101 10 лет назад +324

    Memphis May Fire is the only thing thats getting me through highschool right now lol

    • @Epic_Ragerr
      @Epic_Ragerr 10 лет назад +4

      Bruh I feel you... and I go to an all boys school

    • @ItsZifx
      @ItsZifx 10 лет назад +5

      There's schools like that? Wtf lol

    • @yannnugent1850
      @yannnugent1850 10 лет назад +2

      It truly help me trough my last year , keep it up bruh, but don't be a fool, it won't get better after it.

    • @memphisdubray2138
      @memphisdubray2138 10 лет назад +13

      I know right but I'm in middle school. Everyone be like turn that shit down and I'll be like FUCK YOU!!!!!!

    • @yannnugent1850
      @yannnugent1850 10 лет назад +2

      awyeah theres a future for us metal head, let them fools be ignorant on what real music is, maybe they will understanf one day, you should listen to some Between the buried and me and Vildhjerta , have a good day / week / life

  • @yingtong101
    @yingtong101 11 лет назад +347

    It's weird how much older Matty looks here even though he's younger o___O

    • @DemonzMusician
      @DemonzMusician 11 лет назад +25

      Its just dat hair

    • @yingtong101
      @yingtong101 10 лет назад

      ***** Of course!

    • @WTRGK
      @WTRGK 5 лет назад +12

      Matty with emo hair was best Matty

    • @williamjurek2013
      @williamjurek2013 4 года назад +4

      Stress can age you. Distressing is anti aging. He hated the music label he was working with at this point

    • @skipdiner9972
      @skipdiner9972 4 года назад

      @@williamjurek2013 if he hated the label why did he stick with them?

  • @hamzacheema321
    @hamzacheema321 3 года назад +1

    still cant believe that metalbirb said this song was trash, my neck hurts from listening to this song lmao

  • @habenxcht6665
    @habenxcht6665 5 лет назад +6

    Seems like just yesterday i was blasting this in my home so that the neighbors could hear too🥺💔

  • @andrewcollins2505
    @andrewcollins2505 10 лет назад +4

    Had this song stuck in my head i was headbanging in the middle of class

  • @andikapermana9973
    @andikapermana9973 2 года назад +3

    Still listen in 2022

  • @philipzeigler4605
    @philipzeigler4605 5 месяцев назад

    I gave my heart to Christ today! 🙏🏻

  • @MoldSac
    @MoldSac 2 года назад +4

    Saw em live and they were so awesome

  • @prettynblack8273
    @prettynblack8273 4 года назад +7


    • @mmf-rules
      @mmf-rules 3 года назад

      MMF: Say no more...
      MMF: brings "Blood and Water"

  • @pereirabat
    @pereirabat 3 года назад +21


  • @warrenpeace4874
    @warrenpeace4874 3 месяца назад

    Thank you for singing the words that my pride has stopped me from singing for years. ❤🙌

  • @Ya_kun
    @Ya_kun 2 года назад +12

    when metalcore was at its best

  • @nashhenry7069
    @nashhenry7069 11 лет назад +8


  • @joeesposito_
    @joeesposito_ 2 года назад +3

    2023 and and I’m still here! Who else?

  • @garciar425
    @garciar425 2 года назад +2

    The most hardcore Christian song I've ever heard, can't help but to ❤️💘❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

  • @eleazarloa5288
    @eleazarloa5288 Год назад +8

    Volviendo escucharlo después de 11 años

  • @muniz1672
    @muniz1672 2 года назад +6

    O ano é 2022 e eu ainda amo essa música!

    • @Msnts997
      @Msnts997 Год назад

      2023 e sigo amando desde 2012

  • @Kagura-Saan
    @Kagura-Saan 3 года назад +4

    2:42 eargasm

  • @brosettastone7520
    @brosettastone7520 Год назад +1

    riding bmx all over my city at 3am blasting this in my headphones when it came out maaan memories