Aviation Proves the Globe! A Chat with Wolfie6020 (a REAL pilot!)

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
  • Join us for an exclusive interview with pilot ‪@Wolfie6020‬! All flat earth claims are easily debunked, but more importantly learn why aviation only works on the globe. Pitch data, emergency landings, flight planning...we cover it all! This is one you do NOT want to miss.

Комментарии • 475

  • @louiserasmus6568
    @louiserasmus6568 12 часов назад +69

    Thanks Will and Wolfie6020. Calm and rational. Great video!

  • @profphilbell2075
    @profphilbell2075 11 часов назад +70

    So proud to have Wolfie as our countryman.

    • @rickkwitkoski1976
      @rickkwitkoski1976 2 часа назад +3

      UNLIKE Ken Ham!
      A very LOUSY person to have in ANY country.

  • @christopherwhittaker2620
    @christopherwhittaker2620 8 часов назад +23

    Wolfie has been quietly tearing flat earth to shreds with coolness and integrity for years. One of the flerf debunk communities unsung heroes.
    Good to see him and I must give huge kudos to Will for making this interview happen. Bravo sir.
    So how about the flerf community get a so called flat earth believing pilot to debate Wolfie. We will wait. Let’s see what you have.

    • @jimnaden5594
      @jimnaden5594 2 часа назад +2

      Wolfie and Dave McKeegan take the same methodology of explaining things factually and without insult while remaining respectful to others.

  • @Biblical_Critic
    @Biblical_Critic 12 часов назад +63

    It's over for the Flat Earth! 🥊🏆🌍

    • @fernandoaldekoa2436
      @fernandoaldekoa2436 11 часов назад +5

      If they were sensible.

    • @maxine_q
      @maxine_q 11 часов назад +20

      It was over a couple thousand years ago. Should we tell them?

    • @brianharris22
      @brianharris22 11 часов назад +5

      If there's a dollar to be made from claiming the earth is flat then it's not over😅

    • @MinionTrouble
      @MinionTrouble 8 часов назад

      Flat earth will move the goalposts again.

    • @C41N4
      @C41N4 7 часов назад

      lol, no it’s not. They’ll always make up excuses, make ad hoc arguments, spew out word salad, and nun uh their way in any argument.
      They’re a plague. And the sad part is, you can’t defeat them with facts because they don’t care about the facts.

  • @spuddawg02
    @spuddawg02 8 часов назад +12

    I totally respect Will for genuinely trying to understand these flat earther types, and I've always loved Wolfie for his quick hitting debunk/explanations. Nicely done fellas.

  • @CriticalThink
    @CriticalThink 10 часов назад +23

    Loved the interview. A great piece of work.

  • @SerbianConspiracy
    @SerbianConspiracy 2 дня назад +58

    I just uploaded video about Wolfie. In 2016 Wolfie was only one in movement , who was showing us reality from Australia.
    Me, as Flat earther, followed him, cos I wanted to know truth...
    Wolfie helped me to realise that AE/ Gleason is not a map.

    • @IluvSansaship
      @IluvSansaship 20 часов назад +3

      @SerbianConspiracy it is a map. It is an azimuthal equidistant polar projection map of the globe centred on the north pole.

    • @awatt
      @awatt 12 часов назад +3

      Gleason is a device to teach children about time zones. That's why it has clock hands

    • @MrSorbias
      @MrSorbias 12 часов назад +1

      ​​​@@awattGleason actually believed it to be real world map. Why? I have no idea. The map has missing data, because in his time I believe they were not mapped Antarctica shorelines yet perfectly. I made a video few years back where I mapped it on globe to show difference between globe map and Gleason map

    • @testep02
      @testep02 11 часов назад +2

      Good on you for actually looking for truth. You know, I get how people believe things that are not true. We ALL hold beliefs that aren't rooted in reality, whether from misunderstanding something, or having insufficient data to know how something works. What matters is that you actually do put time into better understanding the topic, then adjusting your beliefs based on evidence presented to you.

    • @psalux18963
      @psalux18963 11 часов назад +2

      At least you got right that thing (Gleason map doesn't represent reality).
      For everything else, facepalm!

  • @BobtheScienceGuy
    @BobtheScienceGuy 12 часов назад +92

    what a devastating thing for flat earth.

    • @bosunbones.8815
      @bosunbones.8815 11 часов назад +1

      Who have thunk! 😀

    • @mr.goodcat582
      @mr.goodcat582 10 часов назад

      Na ah!! ✋

    • @EcotecBuick
      @EcotecBuick 10 часов назад +4

      How? Do you think they'll care?

    • @whereswa11y
      @whereswa11y 10 часов назад +2

      As every pilot knows hey Bob?

    • @horayman
      @horayman 10 часов назад +2

      @@EcotecBuick they won't. Wolfie was made with unreal engine

  • @DIYMick
    @DIYMick 10 часов назад +15

    It’s amazing to think the damage Will Duffy has done to the flat earth cause in under a year.

  • @BobbyT64
    @BobbyT64 12 часов назад +25

    Love how Wolfie can easily explain things so that a layman like me can get it without having to rewind.

  • @roycalderon7633
    @roycalderon7633 12 часов назад +10

    Beautiful. Love it Will. This is why truth is not afraid of results. You will never see a Flat Earther bring a real person who's involved in a professional field to discuss reality.

  • @rohnleidigh213
    @rohnleidigh213 7 часов назад +1

    Bravo! Great stuff, gents! It's crazy that science, physics and reality have to be defended in this day and age. Thank you for taking the time to do so!

  • @Qzopr1
    @Qzopr1 9 часов назад +9

    Can anyone spot the difference between talking to a qualified professional and a flat earther?

    • @jobrown8146
      @jobrown8146 4 часа назад +2

      Nearly everything?!?!?

  • @robertfreestone414
    @robertfreestone414 11 часов назад +9

    It is SO cool to have someone with impeccable credentials refute flatearth nonsense!

  • @Splattervision-qh1sd
    @Splattervision-qh1sd 11 часов назад +7

    I’ve heard Wolfie many times. Nice to see the man in an interview. Great video, thanks Will.

  • @kbsanders
    @kbsanders 12 часов назад +35

    The man. The myth. The legend.

  • @whereswa11y
    @whereswa11y 9 часов назад +14

    “Explain it like I’m 5”
    Will and Wolfie … what a way to start my Aussie day.
    Thanks guys.

  • @davemason2290
    @davemason2290 3 часа назад +2

    What a great interview. Will this is another great reference point. I love Wolfie's videos but this interview brings all of the major flerf talking points together.

  • @Banditt42
    @Banditt42 12 часов назад +14

    One thing never talked about is ATC and how we know the flight plan, departure and destination point of every aircraft we deal with. Everyone in ATC would have to be in on the flat Earth conspiracy.

    • @AnOfficialYouTubeProfile
      @AnOfficialYouTubeProfile 11 часов назад +1

      No, because compartmentalization. Or something. I'm sure there's some flerf excuse.
      (Flerfs have no idea how the real world works so anything is possible.)

    • @stephenmonaghan6030
      @stephenmonaghan6030 10 часов назад +1

      My ATC Course comprised Radiotelegraphy, Meteorology, Aerodrome Control, Area Procedural Control, Area Radar Control and Aviation Law. I think they keep the Great Conspiracy module for the people who pass all their other exams. The bastards... 😡

    • @AnOfficialYouTubeProfile
      @AnOfficialYouTubeProfile 10 часов назад

      @@stephenmonaghan6030 You obviously haven't progressed far enough along the freemason path!

  • @jameslindsay5889
    @jameslindsay5889 12 часов назад +11

    I first heard of Wolfie on Jerans channel a few weeks ago. That was an enjoyable listen and very informative. Seems like a decent guy. Cheers, Will. Always an education 👍

  • @phillipcraig1120
    @phillipcraig1120 10 часов назад +10

    There're no flat earthers. Only globe deniers.

  • @SubRosaUSA
    @SubRosaUSA 7 часов назад +3

    You can tell Wolfie has taught aviation. He is able to explain things simply and easily,

  • @sthurston2
    @sthurston2 9 часов назад +6

    Wolfie is great. I love his evidence.
    "The horizon rises to eye level." is such a self-debunk. To have the horizon be always at eye level on a flat Earth requires light to be going straight. That means the Sun cannot set.

  • @CelliniCreations
    @CelliniCreations 11 часов назад +9

    Can't wait to see all the upcoming four hour cope videos.

  • @Atlas6355_
    @Atlas6355_ 8 часов назад +7

    Another example as to WHY! flerfs are, and will NEVER be in charge of anything IMPORTANT! 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️😘

  • @Petey194
    @Petey194 5 часов назад +3

    I much prefer these educational videos where experts give us the facts. Thanks both. Great interview. 👍

  • @fedogma8407
    @fedogma8407 5 часов назад +4

    I am shocked. Will couldn't find a flat earth "pilot" to join the show? Say it isn't so. 😱

  • @iggi3985
    @iggi3985 11 часов назад +18

    This feels like a 2nd grade physics presentation. Goes to show how simplified the explanations need to be for flerfs

    • @horisview
      @horisview 11 часов назад +2

      crazy times we live in..🙄

    • @Monkey-Betty
      @Monkey-Betty 9 часов назад +3

      They still won't get it. I expect Bev will put out a video to argue about the section where Wolfie talked about horizontal.

  • @hal263
    @hal263 7 часов назад +3

    The flat earthers will simply hand-wave the evidence away, or try to debunk it with lies, just like they do with all the other proofs of a globe, but for the 99.99% of the population who aren't idiots, this was a really interesting and informative video.

  • @mikefochtman7164
    @mikefochtman7164 6 часов назад +3

    Great discussion. Just add that 'cabatage laws' is another reason some flights appear non-globe like. Countries, international laws, etc.. are one of those many considerations Wolfie mentioned. (P.S. I learned this from Wolfie's channel, thanks)

  • @SubRosaUSA
    @SubRosaUSA 7 часов назад +2

    This was an absolute pleasure to watch.

  • @jiversteve
    @jiversteve 11 часов назад +7

    Wolfie is a great Australian

  • @garyiow8482
    @garyiow8482 9 часов назад +3

    Superb interview Will. I've been subbed to Wolfie since his first video way back when. Wolfie is a fair dinkum bloke. Learned a lot from him.

  • @twstf8905
    @twstf8905 10 часов назад +6

    Awesome video, Will. 👍
    TFE, keeps on giving, months later.

  • @LeoBerardino
    @LeoBerardino 8 часов назад +6

    This was one the best interviews regarding aviation and flerfs errors I have ever seen

  • @Loki-
    @Loki- 4 часа назад +2

    Will, your mission to do this is very personal and important to me because my family is affected by this toxin.
    I appreciate your professionalism and serious approach and financial investment in this. Getting this interview with Wolfie is awesome and so well done.
    You're such a pro at communication and interviews.

  • @Extravaganza50667
    @Extravaganza50667 11 часов назад +5

    Each video from Will to end flat earth is phenomenal.

  • @Gaz1892a
    @Gaz1892a 3 часа назад +1

    I can’t wait for Steve’s take on this 😂 wolfies body language……….😂
    Great job guys 👍👍

  • @alexandrevaliquette3883
    @alexandrevaliquette3883 6 часов назад +1

    Nice demo at 17:00, very polite and efficient. I just wish there was one or two honest/respectful FF on the panel to bring their grief.
    Maybe next time.

  • @bringer666
    @bringer666 11 часов назад +3

    This was fantastic! Where were you for this discussion? Will, did you fly to Australia or was Wolfie in the US between flights?

  • @Kardashev1
    @Kardashev1 7 часов назад +1

    Great interview Will, thank you Wolfie for sharing your extensive experience.

  • @TheKnodelPrize
    @TheKnodelPrize 11 часов назад +3

    Great interview. Great info. That pitch data explanation was the perfect demonstration, and should end that argument for any intellectually honest flat earthers.
    Unfortunately there are very few of those left anymore.

  • @danielwhiteley4821
    @danielwhiteley4821 Час назад +1

    I'm noticing a distinct lack of any flerfers commenting on this video. Probably pretending not to have seen it. 😂

  • @SwaaallaGE
    @SwaaallaGE 9 часов назад +4

    Wolfie is a legend

  • @TinyCaptainSailingTheGlobe
    @TinyCaptainSailingTheGlobe 5 часов назад +1

    Yep. They call me a fake Merchant Navy Captain all the time.

    • @robertlafleur5179
      @robertlafleur5179 4 часа назад

      You're a fake Merchant Navy Captain? But... but... you can do Celestial Navigation, you must be a real Captain, of course you are.
      No flerfs can do ''Flat Earth Celestial Navigation'', I wonder why. I've asked tens of them, I'm still waiting...

  • @daytona1212
    @daytona1212 9 часов назад +2

    Great video. Too bad flerfs will ignore it totally. But many thanks to Will And Wolfie.

  • @LocalMachine
    @LocalMachine 8 часов назад +2

    Cut Witsit some slack! He did a bunch of experiments while he was down in Antarctica. I.e., "Look how far I can see", "Sure looks flat", "Look! I can see my breath!", and "It's cold out".

    • @hal263
      @hal263 7 часов назад +4

      I'd say Witsit spent most of his time vaping and playing in the snow, while the grown ups actually performed real experiments. It seems like the entire Antarctic trip was completely lost on Witsit. Even if he wanted to conduct a proper experiment of his own, he isn't smart enough to come up with one.

  • @macronencer
    @macronencer 36 минут назад

    Excellent, what a great interview! I learned a few things I never knew as well. Always fun :)

  • @Hirsutechin
    @Hirsutechin 11 часов назад +3

    First class, guys! That background noise wasn't a helicopter landing, it was another major collapse of FE, pass the brush and shovel, thank you.

  • @krista-orman
    @krista-orman 5 часов назад

    Great video! Thanks, Will and Wolfie6020. 🌎

  • @dougiegooner
    @dougiegooner 3 дня назад +19

    Wolfie6020 will be up on "flerf destruction charges" along with Will & TFE! 😂😊
    Looking forward to seeing IF any Flatties dare come on and try to debunk Wolfie. I suspect NOT!
    You're doing great work, guys! 👌🏻🇦🇶✈️🌏🌍

    • @The-Final-Experiment
      @The-Final-Experiment  3 дня назад +12

      @@dougiegooner they can't. They block him as quickly as they can.

    • @dougiegooner
      @dougiegooner 3 дня назад +4

      ​​@@The-Final-Experiment Typical! Flerfs are afraid of reality. There's also the ones (DITRH, Dubay etc al)that are completely in this "movement" for financial gain and notoriety!
      People like Nathan Thompson are the biggest liars. He knows the globe is reality, but... he can't exist outside of flat earth! Truly sad person. 🤷

  • @JohnSandlin-e3j
    @JohnSandlin-e3j 5 часов назад +1

    The Gyroscopes in an Aircraft are designed to self correct - they use the "local down" to reset to horizontal.

  • @David_Lee379
    @David_Lee379 9 часов назад +2

    Hi Will, great interview. Hey Wolfie, it’s great to finally see you!

  • @coxynormas
    @coxynormas 7 часов назад +2


  • @DPDebunks
    @DPDebunks 10 часов назад +4

    🇦🇺🌏🦘Australia Represent!! 🦘🌏🇦🇺 🤘 🔥

    • @whereswa11y
      @whereswa11y 9 часов назад +1

      You know it mate

    • @SwaaallaGE
      @SwaaallaGE 9 часов назад

      @@whereswa11y Aussies are the best flerf destroyers

  • @stride87
    @stride87 9 часов назад +1

    Flat Esthers often forget that 'up' and 'down' are defined by a planet's gravity. In space, those directions don't exist.

  • @More-Space-In-Ear
    @More-Space-In-Ear 11 часов назад +1

    Great to see the face to the voice we hear. Hi Wolfie 👋🫡

  • @chriskeentechnician
    @chriskeentechnician 5 часов назад +1

    Definitely some great learning in this, even for us globers! Top bloke 👌

  • @chloewright1
    @chloewright1 10 часов назад +3

    This is the first time I've ever seen wolfie's face, or heard him speak!

    • @Bnslamb
      @Bnslamb 9 часов назад +1

      He speaks in 99% of his videos.

    • @whereswa11y
      @whereswa11y 9 часов назад +1

      lol you need to get out more often..,

  • @AudiOhm
    @AudiOhm 7 часов назад

    Thanks, what a great interview, we live on a Globe...

  • @Atlas6355_
    @Atlas6355_ 8 часов назад

    Flerfs: But..but WE have the pitch data! Take that GLOBERS! 💪💪💪💪💪

  • @GustavoLovato
    @GustavoLovato 3 часа назад

    Please look up “Aerolíneas Argentinas Southern Transpolar Flight from Buenos Aires to Sydney NON STOP TRANSPOLAR”. (I can’t post the link here). It’s from 11 years ago. Two videos exist, one even interviews the copilot who explains the route. It’s very interesting.
    Aerolíneas Argentinas, the Argentine airline, used to fly Buenos Aires to Sydney via a trans-polar route. Although it’s a bit of a misnomer since it doesn’t fly directly over the South Pole, you can clearly see in the video by a passenger that the flight path heads SOUTH from Buenos Aires, as opposed to the expected West.

  • @adamstrange7884
    @adamstrange7884 9 часов назад +2

    Wolfie showed the flight maps before it was made digital, at least 4 phone book sized notebooks

  • @magical_catgirl
    @magical_catgirl 3 часа назад +1

    Almost every time I fly during the day and there is clear weather, I can see the curve through the cabin window at 35-39000 feet. There is no curve through that same window at ground level.

  • @Daynagator
    @Daynagator 9 часов назад +1

    This was superb!

  • @franciscodonizetidasilva9570
    @franciscodonizetidasilva9570 9 часов назад +1

    I am a pilot. There are several other considerations we can bring to the debate.
    1 - Cartography, Navigation
    History, projections, compass, aviation charts, airplane heading, magnetic north, magnetic declination, GPS, inertial system
    Parallels. Why that name?
    2 - Magnetic field
    What is it?
    Magnetic north, true north
    Magnetic declination
    Agonic and isogonical lines
    Runway designation number - variation
    3 - Meteorology
    Cold fronts
    Coriolis effect
    Hurricanes/ Cyclones
    4 - Medicine (aviation)
    Coriolis effect in our bodies
    Inner ear, semicircular channels, spatial disorientation
    Barane's chair, gyroscopes
    G force, black out, anti g vest for fighter pilots
    5 - Lift equation formula in aviation
    Lift force opposing Weight force
    Density is not a force
    The earth may be flat, but, in my profession, the concepts related to spherical earth work perfect (and make sense). They are based on many publications, calculations, and it has usefulness and practical meaning.

    • @larryscott3982
      @larryscott3982 9 часов назад

      You affirm that you’re a pilot and then say ‘the earth may be flat’.
      Can it? Is flat a possibility given your experience and expertise?

    • @whereswa11y
      @whereswa11y 9 часов назад +1

      Just a short list…

    • @franciscodonizetidasilva9570
      @franciscodonizetidasilva9570 8 часов назад

      @larryscott3982 No. It was only rhetorical...

    • @larryscott3982
      @larryscott3982 8 часов назад +1

      A flerf might take that as ‘a pilot said…’

    • @franciscodonizetidasilva9570
      @franciscodonizetidasilva9570 7 часов назад

      @larryscott3982 I will replace the phrase that contains "may" with this:
      "The earth could be flat, but the facts play against this." Sound better?

  • @tonyw4863
    @tonyw4863 9 часов назад +1

    This is probably the best FE debunking video I have ever seen. You are leaving zero wiggle room for the flat earthers although I'm sure they will say Wolfie was lying. I'd expect some flat earthers will leave the cult as a result of watching this video.
    I want to see what Flat Earth Banjo comes up with to "debunk" it. He is quite inventive in making imaginary claims.

  • @kimbacoccolulu
    @kimbacoccolulu 11 часов назад +6

    I love Wolfie6020, his videos have been instrumental to understand so many things. I highly recommend his channel 💕🌏✅🔭😊
    Thanks Will and Wolfie for making this conversation happen❤

  • @billionllc
    @billionllc 3 часа назад

    I'm always amazed at Will's willingness to treat everyone fairly. I just write off flat earthers as pot smokers.

  • @MinionTrouble
    @MinionTrouble 7 часов назад +1

    Flerfs: it's not a straight line, it's curves, curved lines can't be straight.
    Flefs, are you turning left or right?

  • @ottomaddoxx5360
    @ottomaddoxx5360 10 часов назад +1

    I can't believe there were 6,019 clones before they got it right.

  • @craigelliott4338
    @craigelliott4338 10 часов назад +4

    I thought the antarctic expedition was gonna be the final nail in the coffin, but Will is up in here with super glue and screws😂

    • @rodrigosampaio1560
      @rodrigosampaio1560 9 часов назад +1

      Will is just dancing at top of the flerf grave by now

    • @nijaethompson7647
      @nijaethompson7647 9 часов назад +1

      ​@@rodrigosampaio1560And taking a massive shit all over it.

    • @awatt
      @awatt 8 часов назад


    • @DeusEx_Machina
      @DeusEx_Machina 8 часов назад +1

      He said The Final Experiment would be. All of this is part of The Final Experiment.

    • @craigelliott4338
      @craigelliott4338 8 часов назад

      @@DeusEx_Machina I'm here for it...

  • @Megaritz
    @Megaritz 38 минут назад

    This is great, everything here is great. My only criticism is that there are even more topics to cover, though understandably there isn't time to get to everything. Here's an example: Flat-earthers also latch onto the fact that there are fewer long-distance flights in the southern hemisphere, and how many of them stop in the north at least once. So the discussion might have been even better if it had included some discussion on the *actual* economic and political & legal reasons for these flight-paths. Wolfie actually discusses this in the section "Cabotage" in his earlier video "Two Flat Earthers fail to understand how aircraft routes work on the Earth." Some related topics are also discussed in the Wendover Productions video "The Five Freedoms of Aviation." This all further complicates the issue of why flight-paths often seem strange-- something flat-earthers and Elon Musk should both try learning about.

  • @joshbenjamin1100
    @joshbenjamin1100 7 часов назад

    I'd think the SIZE of the Earth would make constant nosing down OR banking unnecessary. In private pilot school, they teach us that flying is a nearly-constant series of tiny adjustments. When you nose down, things change quickly, as opposed to the slow, gradual change of the curve of the Earth. I'd imagine the same would be true of banking if you were flying in a huge circle. But Wolfie's explanation taught me some new ways of looking at things.

    • @jacksonmacd
      @jacksonmacd 5 часов назад

      I think the sum of all those micro adjustments accumulate to a nose down change of attitude over a long enough time and distance.
      Yes, the down vector always points to the center of the earth, but it points in a different absolute direction as the plane travels. The micro adjustments explain the aircraft rotation without requiring a deliberate downward push on the yoke.
      I think we do a disservice to insist there is no rotation of the airplane as it traverses over long enough distances.

  • @MinionTrouble
    @MinionTrouble 7 часов назад +1

    Flerfs, see the deviations in the magnetic compass? This is why the gyrocompass was invented. It is a non-magnetic compass. It is unaffected by magnetic fields.

  • @Wayne_Mather
    @Wayne_Mather 2 часа назад

    Makes me a proud Aussie! Wolfie, WheresWa11y, Critical think to name a few

  • @andrewbrooks990
    @andrewbrooks990 42 минуты назад

    Oh my gosh, finally I get to see Wolfie lol :D

  • @tonyclif1
    @tonyclif1 8 часов назад

    I'm making a prediction at the 16 minute mark of the video. Flerfs brave enough to look silly in the comments section will not understand the point about level being perpendicular to down. They will say the earth doesn't spin under the aircraft, not realising the point being made holds true regardless of the direction being flown, not just flying with or against the rotation direction of the globe - that was just the easiest way to demonstrate it while holding the camera and globe still.

  • @martingorbush2944
    @martingorbush2944 10 часов назад +1

    Nice to see Wolfie6020 face at last. :)

    • @whereswa11y
      @whereswa11y 9 часов назад

      He has shown his face many times before… Will and Wolfie … what more could we ask for ?

    • @martingorbush2944
      @martingorbush2944 Час назад

      @@whereswa11y I might have missed that or I forgot. :) Thanks for info and your hard work.

  • @dougiegooner
    @dougiegooner 13 часов назад +4

    Where's the FLERFS, Nathan?? 😮😂😂

  • @paulcurtis5317
    @paulcurtis5317 Час назад

    That was marvellous 😏👍

  • @blancfilms
    @blancfilms 10 часов назад

    11:20 "WGS84" triggered something in me. I remember back in the early 2000s building airports/scenery for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 and you always had to convert your satellite photos to that coordinate format which caused me quite a few headaches as a teenager. But what I really wanted to say is that it's ironic that back in FS2004 it was actually a Flat Earth (simulating a Globe). Microsoft changed to a real 3D Globe for FSX in 2006.

  • @Countryboy071
    @Countryboy071 9 часов назад

    Excellent follow-up, very interesting and informative.

  • @k-mc94
    @k-mc94 4 дня назад +11

    This will be cool to hear Wolfie with some nice production values (better mic etc) His experience in fixed wing and rotary is huge..

  • @nilsmarkus4044
    @nilsmarkus4044 35 минут назад

    I never know whether to laugh at flat earth people or pity them

  • @MinionTrouble
    @MinionTrouble 7 часов назад +2

    AE map lol. Australia is not 2x bigger that the US east to west.

  • @F30-Jet
    @F30-Jet 6 часов назад

    Hi Will, could you please invite "odia Pika"😂 45:18. It'd be fascinating to hear his journey story❤

  • @jobrown8146
    @jobrown8146 4 часа назад

    Very interesting. Thank you.

  • @SGW4K
    @SGW4K 6 часов назад

    Don't get too excited. FE might still want to do a debunk video in response 😂

  • @andyroid1717
    @andyroid1717 3 часа назад

    Flat Earth pilot, here. NUH-UH 🙃

  • @Nessuno_Sa
    @Nessuno_Sa 9 часов назад +1

    Great Video👏👏

  • @Vercingetorix525
    @Vercingetorix525 13 часов назад +6

    Oh my goodness, I thought that was Nathan Oakley at first glance 😅
    My brain still knew there was no way it was him just bc he's practically incapable of having a civil conversation with someone he disagrees with.
    The contradiction in my brain for that brief moment felt strange 😅😅😅
    Great video as always, Will!

    • @tommyhetrick
      @tommyhetrick 11 часов назад +4

      No but I’m sure he will take 20 hours worth of streams to get through this video because he pauses every 2 seconds to give 20 seconds of yelling FALLACY and twisting himself to explain why he doesn’t have to address that point

    • @Splattervision-qh1sd
      @Splattervision-qh1sd 11 часов назад +1

      @@tommyhetrickBut Oakley’s sister used a sextant once 😂

    • @whereswa11y
      @whereswa11y 9 часов назад

      Ok use your brain bleach… Nathan Oakley? Shudder me timbers.

  • @AnttiKivivalli
    @AnttiKivivalli 9 часов назад

    Surely the great circles are the shortest route, but it is an oversimplification to say that all flight routes are great circles. There are also other factors... For example we are not flying from Finland to Japan over Russia... 🙂 EDIT: OK, this came later. 🙂

  • @JohnSandlin-e3j
    @JohnSandlin-e3j 5 часов назад

    You can see the curve of the earth, not the Horizon, if you take into account how things rise up from the horizon and how mountains in the distance climb into view so that when they're beyond the horizon, you will see the tops first eventually, once the mountain is closer than the horizon, you'll see the bottom of the mountain too.

  • @jamesridener3573
    @jamesridener3573 4 дня назад +12

    I guarantee Wolfie will know how to get to ceremonial South Pole.

    • @maxine_q
      @maxine_q 12 часов назад +2

      Oh I know. By just going there. Right?

    • @BobbyT64
      @BobbyT64 12 часов назад +3

      It’s 90 degrees south. Everyone knows that!

    • @tilestwo
      @tilestwo 9 часов назад +2

      You go South

  • @FlatEarthFuneral
    @FlatEarthFuneral 7 часов назад +1

    Flerfs are going to review this and call him a paid shill lol. Cope harder flerfs it's over for you.

  • @larryscott3982
    @larryscott3982 9 часов назад

    Could there be a part 2?

  • @adamstrange7884
    @adamstrange7884 9 часов назад

    Wolfe looks like Mark Ruffalo!

  • @halfhumanhalfzombie
    @halfhumanhalfzombie 4 дня назад +7

    Yeah Wolfie in person.

  • @TheShonuff888
    @TheShonuff888 12 часов назад +1

    😂 Marissa Keeland will make a complaint about this now