if pop music was barbershop (FULL TRANSCRIPTION)

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • Pop Songs Medley (2015) performed by Main Street arranged by Clay Hine: • Main Street - Pop Song...
    Note about the key: The drift upward in pitch but I wrote it in what I'm pretty sure is the original key it's supposed to be in. Hope that clears up any confusion!
    Edit: 2nd measure should be a G# in the lead.
    Subscribe to the Barbershop Harmony Society channel to see more videos like this one!! / @barbershopharmony
    Here's my new website! Check it out if you are looking for someone for any of the following services: composing/arranging, transcribing, producing, music teaching, live performing (Miami)
    instagram: @jasonfieler
    patreon: / jasonfieler
    For a $5 pledge a month, you can get any pdf and midi file of any transcription/arrangement of mine on my channel.
    transcriptions: • Transcriptions
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  • @seyeruoynepotsuj
    @seyeruoynepotsuj Год назад +2026

    I LOVE that the modern song that they open with is heading on for a quarter of a century old already.

    • @tactileslut
      @tactileslut Год назад +82

      and they second-to-end with one from about 40 years ago.

    • @garynordeen4296
      @garynordeen4296 Год назад +5

      which one was that@@tactileslut

    • @laurag7295
      @laurag7295 Год назад +11

      One needs to wait until the music is there to buy, not always fast, and then someone has to arrange it into barbershop!

    • @JScaranoMusic
      @JScaranoMusic Год назад +26

      Thriller was released 41 years ago, 32 years before All About That Bass.

    • @kaiyotee2475
      @kaiyotee2475 Год назад +6

      Wait is that a coyote profile picture?
      We are siblings in spirit.

  • @ImMacke3000
    @ImMacke3000 Год назад +3672

    Barbershop has to be the most underrated music genre of all time, i genuinly dont see how you can NOT like it

    • @buckhorncortez
      @buckhorncortez Год назад +67

      Yeah...everything today is somehow "underrated"...soon, I'll be hearing that the Grand Canyon is underrated as a hole in the ground...

    • @ImMacke3000
      @ImMacke3000 Год назад +89

      @@buckhorncortez using the term "underrated" is in fact, underrated

    • @Msfifisquarepantz
      @Msfifisquarepantz Год назад +36

      It’s not under-rated. It’s not rated at all.

    • @22knightx
      @22knightx Год назад +34

      Because most of today's singers only know "harmoniser" pedals and auto tune

    • @kindaterriblegamer3605
      @kindaterriblegamer3605 Год назад +34

      When I introduce my friends to barbershop, they always really enjoy it right until Vocal Spectrum holds the last chord for 20 seconds

  • @YoSpiff
    @YoSpiff Год назад +1033

    "All about that bass" actually sounded right as a barbershop quartet.

    • @sherisouth5963
      @sherisouth5963 11 месяцев назад +2

      Myron? Is that you?😂

    • @kenetickups6146
      @kenetickups6146 10 месяцев назад +5

      Better than the original

    • @Acorn905
      @Acorn905 9 месяцев назад +5

      I think Guess what fits the style pretty well too :D

    • @ChristopherHauser-59
      @ChristopherHauser-59 6 месяцев назад

      Bass note should be the strongest

    • @TheJimmycrakcorn
      @TheJimmycrakcorn 3 месяца назад

      Home Free did an amazing cover on it.

  • @ppheard1254
    @ppheard1254 Год назад +401

    2:09 Oops I Did It Again - Brittney Spears
    2:25 Bye, Bye, Bye! - NSYNC
    3:00 So What - P!NK
    3:39 Uptown Funk - Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars
    6:14 Poker Face - Lady Gaga
    6:25 Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5
    6:31 All About That Bass - Meghan Trainor
    6:43 Gangnam Style - PSY
    6:53 Thriller - Michael Jackson

    • @1234cheerful
      @1234cheerful 9 месяцев назад +16


    • @davidevans3227
      @davidevans3227 5 месяцев назад +3

      thankyou! 🙂

    • @RV1701
      @RV1701 4 месяца назад +3

      You are a hero!

    • @APS_Inc
      @APS_Inc 3 месяца назад +4

      Thank you! I only knew maybe 3 of these.

    • @the_sports_reel
      @the_sports_reel 3 месяца назад +3

      Thanks! If possible, could you add the years the songs were released?

  • @darrinrice367
    @darrinrice367 Год назад +664

    I've sung everything from hymns and classical to madrigal and modern music, and I can tell you categorically that this style is immensely technically difficult.
    It requires very strong vocal physiology, prefect pitch, a precise "ear" able to overcome acoustically variant venues...
    That these guys are able to make it look easy is testament to an extremely highly honed of skill and talent.

    • @alistairwall5470
      @alistairwall5470 Год назад +2

      (And they didn't even win this year)

    • @bragtime1052
      @bragtime1052 Год назад +18

      ​@@alistairwall5470they won in 2017 and once you win, your quartet can't compete anymore (though individual members can compete in other quartets).

    • @Dancestar1981
      @Dancestar1981 Год назад +2

      They’re wonderful

    • @alistairwall5470
      @alistairwall5470 Год назад +7

      @@bragtime1052Yes, I am aware. I meant they didn’t win in the year of the video, which was 2015.

    • @ginabalestracci140
      @ginabalestracci140 Год назад +8

      It doesn't require Perfect Pitch, but you need to listen like mad (the precise ear). My dad was heavily into competitive barbershop when I was a kid, so I've heard a LOT of it.

  • @Deborita777
    @Deborita777 Год назад +1414

    I know a guy who has sung competitive barbershop. He's an amazing Tenor. Singing this level of barbershop is NOT easy. A lot of technique, skill, practice and talent on loan from God. It's a wonderful a fun musical art form.

    • @DonMachado
      @DonMachado Год назад +39

      My dad had several quartets in the 50's and 60's and singing lead, went to international competition with two of them; The Statesmen placed 5th two years in a row, and The Wizards placed 9th. I loved being a barbershop family, we got to go and do so many things growing up.

    • @Msfifisquarepantz
      @Msfifisquarepantz Год назад +16

      It is fun. Harmony is a true gift from heaven

    • @ellaluna5514
      @ellaluna5514 Год назад +7

      God!!! 😂😂😂

    • @KaylaMoont
      @KaylaMoont Год назад +4

      My elementary music teacher was, and as far as I know, still is in a barbershop shop quartet, and he got top ten in a worldwide contest once, he was my favorite teacher

    • @ellaluna5514
      @ellaluna5514 Год назад

      @@Michael-ho7iq 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

  • @Murrlin27
    @Murrlin27 Год назад +211

    Well it looks like I found the Rabbit Hole of youtube again

  • @AathielVaDaath
    @AathielVaDaath Год назад +339

    People don't understand how hard some of these harmonies are... Fantastic work, performers

    • @kathleenking47
      @kathleenking47 9 месяцев назад +2

      The group, take 6, was 6 part harminies
      Of old spirituals

  • @jillforeman7369
    @jillforeman7369 Год назад +56

    Barbershop is the frosted 4- tier - and -a- topper -wedding -cake -of vocal music.

  • @pickleballer1729
    @pickleballer1729 Год назад +360

    These groups' harmony is always spectacular, and I love the fact that they can make fun of themselves.

  • @lynndhering1218
    @lynndhering1218 Год назад +784

    This was ear candy and comedy genius at the same time. I have to say thank you for random RUclips scrolling because this popped up and absolutely made my afternoon! I can't wait to hear more. ❤

    • @jlidean
      @jlidean Год назад +6

      The voice control along with the emotive performance is top, doing facial comedy and to sing at this level chefs kiss.

    • @unseelie63
      @unseelie63 Год назад +6

      I was random scrolling as well and HAD to check it out.Worth it!

    • @brianaschmidt910
      @brianaschmidt910 Год назад +2


    • @snsnplpl
      @snsnplpl Год назад +3

      Then you will like 'Newfangled Four'

    • @lynndhering1218
      @lynndhering1218 Год назад +1

      @@snsnplpl I'll be sure to check them out. Thank you for the recommendation. :)

  • @alexrivera5747
    @alexrivera5747 Год назад +710

    I like how, even at the time, most of these weren't really modern songs.

    • @TrumpetMeta
      @TrumpetMeta Год назад +130

      They keep saying "20 years from now" and there's a 32 year gap between the oldest and newest song they include lol

    • @michaeltulus4582
      @michaeltulus4582 Год назад +36

      Tbf it kinda makes sense: in 15 years, people that's teen when the songs came out, will be parents of teenagers themselves (+ Thriller, but that song is ageless and there'll always be MJ fans whatever the age)

    • @VincentLowe
      @VincentLowe Год назад +17

      Seems like this was made about three or four years ago. The point is good. In the seventies, Happy Days was hot. In the 90s, the hit was That Seventies Show. That pattern recurs

    • @SonofSethoitae
      @SonofSethoitae Год назад +26

      Probably because this is from 2015

    • @user-dm1tv6nl2e
      @user-dm1tv6nl2e Год назад +12

      Believe that's by competition requirement

  • @k012957
    @k012957 Год назад +93

    The truly amazing thing to me is that Barbershop is the only style of a cappella music that is not pitch corrected. Even my favorites (Pentatonix and Home Free) have their releases pitch-corrected to death.

    • @K.RobertRichardson
      @K.RobertRichardson 11 месяцев назад +16

      Tell me that your experience with the canon of a cappella music is extremely limited without telling me it's extremely limited.

  • @ApproximatelyCee
    @ApproximatelyCee Год назад +42

    That was awesome! I worked at Walt Disney World for 3 years and because I worked on Main Street, I was blessed to be sung to many times by the Barber Shop Quartet. It was definitely one of the perks of working there.

  • @TheKingofRome1
    @TheKingofRome1 Год назад +220

    I love all these transcriptions they make for incredible teaching aids

  • @terunja7
    @terunja7 Год назад +51

    These gents are perfection! I used to sing with Sweet Adelines. I was quite young (late teens) and musically nerdy, but was welcomed whole-heartedly. Difficult stuff, and also beyond fun. When you hear the overtones ringing, you know you've nailed it!

  • @allzeenamesaretaken
    @allzeenamesaretaken Год назад +10

    That last note…. *chef’s kiss*

  • @karenkieffer3684
    @karenkieffer3684 Год назад +67

    My father loved and sang barbershop with his father and brothers. He would play his Buffalo Bills records, and we would sing along at home, which is how I learned to sing. Sadly he is gone now, but I found his old competition badge in his dresser drawer, and I kept it. Your performance was outstanding and brought a happy tear to my eye. Thank you!

    • @fuzzipariah
      @fuzzipariah Год назад +3

      The Buffalo Bills were wonderful in The Music Man.

    • @kathimorrical9912
      @kathimorrical9912 Год назад

      We sang barbershop in high school choir. As separate groups AND as a choir. Such fun. Close harmonies, done correctly still gives me chils

  • @justforever96
    @justforever96 Год назад +147

    Also ironic that barbershop was once considered ultra modern pop music. Or the equivalent. It was the stuff that made the old time music seem stuffy and outdated. It was what people were singing. At least some of it.

  • @EBThisThat
    @EBThisThat Год назад +212

    Their annunciation is incredible and their harmony is unreal ! Respect!

    • @kathrynmolesa1641
      @kathrynmolesa1641 Год назад +1


    • @miriamrobarts
      @miriamrobarts Год назад +1

      @@kathrynmolesa1641 Well, my dictionary includes this "formal or archaic" definition: "the announcement of something", so technically it also applies.

    • @kathrynmolesa1641
      @kathrynmolesa1641 Год назад +1

      @@miriamrobarts 😅

    • @miriamrobarts
      @miriamrobarts Год назад

      @@kathrynmolesa1641 Always enunciate any annunciations. 🙃😄

    • @believingisseeing
      @believingisseeing Год назад

      Youre deaf 😂

  • @BonnieBuggie
    @BonnieBuggie Год назад +101

    my family knows some of these guys! we made friends with some of the dapper dans at disney world years ago, and “main street” is one of the group names they use when performing outside of disney! they’re all such fantastic guys

    • @robertmac7833
      @robertmac7833 Год назад +3

      When was this video recorded?

    • @BonnieBuggie
      @BonnieBuggie Год назад

      @@robertmac7833 2015!

    • @frocat5163
      @frocat5163 Год назад +4

      I was in high school choir with the bass. His dad was our choir teacher.

    • @katherineroland6008
      @katherineroland6008 Год назад

      @@robertmac7833This is from about 8 years ago.

    • @MistahRankin
      @MistahRankin 11 месяцев назад +1

      The Dapper Dans (all of them) have been incredible. I think I met the baritone when I was there a while back (or there was a guy that looked like him).
      Barbershop's the bomb.

  • @OrbiliusMagister
    @OrbiliusMagister Год назад +87

    The final chord had a SCREAMING D# overtone (major third over the tenor)! Wow!

    • @jospenner9503
      @jospenner9503 Год назад +6

      That's B for Barbershop.

    • @sherisouth5963
      @sherisouth5963 11 месяцев назад +4

      I've known how to read music for many years, but I'm not familiar with barbershop lingo (in spite of the fact that I, a woman, once filled in singing in a men's quartet!). When you talk about overtones, are you talking about the high note you can "hear" even though no one is singing it?

    • @OrbiliusMagister
      @OrbiliusMagister 11 месяцев назад +4

      @@sherisouth5963 Exactly.

  • @Peace-Out-Now
    @Peace-Out-Now Год назад +49

    Classic, goofy barbershop routine; great singing with a killer tag at the end 👏👏👏👏

  • @LoyaFrostwind
    @LoyaFrostwind Год назад +27

    They should throw in a “Stop. Hammertime” at the end.

  • @waynemiller6070
    @waynemiller6070 Месяц назад +1

    Having recently sung in a community choir, I can really appreciate the fact that this is a cappella. And also the time out taken for some dialogue,, and still to be able to come back on pitch without so much as a reference tone. Quite amazing.

  • @ruthmarsh873
    @ruthmarsh873 11 месяцев назад +12

    It just popped up on my RUclips channel and I am so glad that it did! I sang barbershop harmony for 15 years and truly enjoyed it. Thanks for putting this on.!

  • @cb2378
    @cb2378 Год назад +25

    Oh my word. I'm giving these guys a standing ovation here in my kitchen. Talented in voice, creativity, humor. 💕💕 Wow.

  • @iluvpugstoo
    @iluvpugstoo Год назад +61

    There should be a 'Love' button. Outstanding vocals. These guys are awesome !

  • @stillnotstill
    @stillnotstill Год назад +9

    The sheet music/lyrics increased my enjoyment!

  • @TrumpetManinNC
    @TrumpetManinNC Год назад +77

    These guys just killed it. In every way. Lovely and so, so funny.

  • @GoAwayDave
    @GoAwayDave Год назад +38

    "Wow" doesn't even begin to explain how excellent that was put together. My most sincere thank-you for singing, editing, and posting this video, and sharing it with everyone who has the pleasure of seeing and or hearing it.

  • @drewbinator1750
    @drewbinator1750 9 месяцев назад +4

    They came to perform for us in Dubuque. They were so nice and fun, plus my school sang with them too! The "garbage part" does bring it all together!

  • @Gallop4Me
    @Gallop4Me Год назад +9

    Nothing like four guys perfectly harmonizing and funny, too. 😅😅

  • @karilehman9882
    @karilehman9882 Год назад +157

    When you realize that most of those songs ARE already 20 years old 😑

    • @Target_Buster
      @Target_Buster 5 месяцев назад

      Aww someone doesn’t know how to count

    • @karilehman9882
      @karilehman9882 5 месяцев назад +14

      ​@@Target_Buster oh, silly me, you're right - Oops I Did It Again came out in 2000, so it's actually 24 years old.
      I won't bother checking the rest since I know when they came out because I lived it.

    • @merissaj4518
      @merissaj4518 4 месяца назад +2

      ​@karilehman9882 I did have a moment of thinking, "Uh oh. Brittany definitely came out during my youth, which was..."*counts on hands and feet* 😅

  • @SimCityEA1989
    @SimCityEA1989 7 месяцев назад

    I love it how the guy stood up and raised his fist. He got supercharged with passion and excitement by that long stretch note at the end. Love it!

  • @caleb_keys_music2
    @caleb_keys_music2 Год назад +2

    8:16 over here balling. Man, how can you not love music….. old songs had me missing passed loved ones that knew some of these older songs

  • @stirfryjedi
    @stirfryjedi Год назад +11

    This gives me so much hope in humanity.

  • @maryb9252
    @maryb9252 Год назад +5

    I love this so much. My dad sang in a chorus when I was young, and I grew up with barbershop music. I remember going to his practices when I was around 4 years old. His barber was actually in the chorus, and he went to him up until the barber couldn’t cut hair anymore. I even had the barber’s quartet sing at my wedding. My dad passed away 3.5 years ago, and barbershop will always have a special place in my heart.

  • @Carolus_B
    @Carolus_B 5 месяцев назад +2

    People talking about songs from 20 to 30 years ago being old, and here I am singing songs written from 400 to 1,500 years ago. 😂

  • @andrewgelos9778
    @andrewgelos9778 Год назад +4

    Just happened upon this, and it made me long for the days when I and my Grandpa sang with barbershop chorus out of Cincinnati. Absolutely brilliant. Love and respect.

  • @garystein8610
    @garystein8610 Год назад +11

    As one who used to sing barbershop (lead and baritone) I love the genre. You did such a great job with these arrangements, and your singing was perfect. Loved this video, and now following.

  • @LikeFreelySnowflakes
    @LikeFreelySnowflakes Год назад +16

    thank you for this gem, haven't seen the original video in a long time and greatly appreciate the transcription to the masterpiece

  • @NightcoreNewbie
    @NightcoreNewbie Год назад +65

    Oh god. I just realized that we might get kpop songs in the future. It will definitely be interesting to see in 20 years.

    • @wachamcaulid
      @wachamcaulid Год назад +4

      Would be interesting for a non-Korean speaking group to do (in a phonetic approach) 🤔

    • @samuelleie
      @samuelleie 9 месяцев назад +2

      We already did, they sang gangman style in this one haha

    • @TurtleShroom3
      @TurtleShroom3 7 месяцев назад +1

      Korean is not a tonal language, so I assume that they would do it like they do English.

    • @wachamcaulid
      @wachamcaulid 6 месяцев назад

      @@TurtleShroom3 Late reply but yes exactly 👌

  • @MBLexi
    @MBLexi Год назад +6

    Wow... Barbershops are definitely under-rated.

  • @TAP7a
    @TAP7a Год назад +9

    Myron's happy little nod when the last chord locks always gets me

    • @kathleenking47
      @kathleenking47 Год назад

      In the 1920s...it was old, until
      Four freshmen and others brought it back after big bands

  • @kennrothman205
    @kennrothman205 Год назад +2

    Have been a barbershop fan all my life. Sang in one group for a short time, but have been in choirs most of my life. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!

  • @RichardBennie-t4r
    @RichardBennie-t4r 6 месяцев назад +3

    I remember listening to buffalo bills with my dad..circa 1961. Still love it.❤

  • @ReeceS6419
    @ReeceS6419 Год назад +9

    Truly talented singers and it was awesome how they incorporated new pop songs in this set. Very entertaining!!

  • @grmmrc
    @grmmrc 7 месяцев назад +3

    The bell chords for bye bye bye from bye bye blues gets me every time

  • @lindacaldwell6251
    @lindacaldwell6251 Год назад +3

    Our chorus teacher was Mr. Sanborn in Michigan and was my favorite class! Loved it dearly. These guys are great!

  • @Cat.Theorangecat
    @Cat.Theorangecat 4 месяца назад +1

    My mom (1931-2023) sang bass in a barbershop quartet. Her group, “Keepsake”, won the national barbershop competition in 1984. I grew up listening to them practicing and performing! Such talent!!

  • @YoungQuist00
    @YoungQuist00 4 месяца назад +1

    That last note gave me chills… props to bass guy for that long note too 😮‍💨

  • @angrytourist
    @angrytourist 5 месяцев назад +2

    I started a quartet in highschool and we did a similar bit in 2003 and it's so much fun.
    Let's all sing and recognize/harmonize the fun songs that happen all the time.

  • @Friday-411
    @Friday-411 Год назад +29

    And not one, not two but four songs were also part of Weird Al’s polka medleys! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @kadosho02
      @kadosho02 9 месяцев назад +1

      I have no doubt Weird Al would join in a performance with them

  • @ElleChelleSky
    @ElleChelleSky 4 дня назад

    Wow. They’re VERY GOOD! It seems they each can change their vocal tone, too. Just… wow.

  • @thatelectropig8678
    @thatelectropig8678 Год назад +25

    That was most certainly the bomb yo

  • @mickidee6714
    @mickidee6714 Год назад +6

    Pretty amazing. My dad sang barbershop music for many years. My sister and I considered ourselves “barbershop brats” since we LIVED in it so much! Lol

  • @melodysimonson1510
    @melodysimonson1510 Год назад +6

    Amazing!! I love barbershop! I worked at a pizza parlor had tocal barbershoppers come in every Tuesdsy night after practice and they would sing while they had a few beers. It was great! These guys are amazing!!

  • @susanglisson5553
    @susanglisson5553 4 месяца назад +3

    Wouldn't it be great to have a Barbershop Quartet go on AGT and win!!!! One could wish. Regardless, I love hearing them. These gentlemen knocked it out of the ballpark. Hats off to you. ❤😊

  • @susiesmessage9252
    @susiesmessage9252 Год назад +2

    My dad was a tenor in barbershop since he was 18. He has been gone for 14 years now but I still like barbershop

  • @kathrynmolesa1641
    @kathrynmolesa1641 Год назад +14

    Loved the barbershop quartet in the Music Man.

  • @rm2399
    @rm2399 Год назад +2

    I’m not sure why the RUclips algorithms recommended this video for me but I’m sure glad it did. That was clever. Well done

  • @miguelmontelongo5105
    @miguelmontelongo5105 4 месяца назад +1

    Musically they preformed it well, absolutely perfect but it brings out how simplistic the chord structure of many of the songs of this era are.

  • @kilo3989
    @kilo3989 Месяц назад +1

    1:59 I saw that! Excellent finger-counting bit! 😂

  • @josepherhardt164
    @josepherhardt164 Год назад +109

    Q: What's it like to be wife or partner of a barber shop quartet singer? There has to be a book here ... Edit: I can't imagine marrying a guy like this without having a DEEP sense of humor.

    • @shmataboro8634
      @shmataboro8634 Год назад +13

      @josepherdhart164....after we divorced my ex-husband changed jobs, move to the big city and joined a barbershop group. I always thought his timing was perfect.

    • @josepherhardt164
      @josepherhardt164 Год назад +1

      @@shmataboro8634 Did you ever see him perform?

    • @susancunningham5847
      @susancunningham5847 Год назад +5

      My son sings barbershop and his wife loves it. It's like a big family.

    • @MaydayAggro
      @MaydayAggro Год назад

      My ex-wife sang barbershop, and then started using fake "competition weekends" to have an affair.

    • @josepherhardt164
      @josepherhardt164 Год назад

      @@MaydayAggro Faking a competition is quite a trick. Or did she say she was going to the competition and then just went elsewhere? And you don't go to a competition by yourself--you need the other three people. Anyway, it sounds like a bit of a shaky excuse or ploy.

  • @MeaTargett-du3jw
    @MeaTargett-du3jw Год назад +1

    This is actually one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. Barbershop is one of my absolute FAVORITES

  • @maggiegarber246
    @maggiegarber246 29 дней назад +1

    So great! When one had to have many skills, and had no echo chambers, etc., to enhance one’s voice.😊

  • @snart20
    @snart20 3 месяца назад +1

    These guys need to be hired for one of the music awards shows. I might actually watch it.

  • @JayRedding12_12
    @JayRedding12_12 Год назад +20

    I've always loved Barbershop Quartet style. The harmonizing is absolutely incredible.

  • @rupe53
    @rupe53 Год назад +7

    In a recent (rerun) of Emergency (TV show) the crew entered a barbershop singing contest and took a trophy for best comedy act!

  • @kamelhaj6850
    @kamelhaj6850 Год назад +1

    I've watched this so many times and it never gets old! The fact that they put what was then current songs into a barbershop format was genius. The only out of place song was Thriller.

  • @JessiSpencer-i4z
    @JessiSpencer-i4z Год назад +2

    Main Street! These guys are awesome! My husband is a baritone in barbershop! This style of music is so underrated! It’s SO good!

  • @jamesmonroe7903
    @jamesmonroe7903 Год назад +13

    Two very amused thumbs up👍👍for this inventive and humorous take on today’s hits by these barbershop harmonizers!!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟Keep on singing,fellas!!! Very,very well done!!!🌟🌟🌟🌟Superb beyond belief!!!

  • @nikolawiesemann8294
    @nikolawiesemann8294 10 месяцев назад +2

    I love the idea and presentation, but the harmonies are just out of this world. Thank you.

  • @dustins382
    @dustins382 Год назад +4

    Bravo bravo bravo! Wonderful! What a performance! So creative. They took everything from modernity but made it at skillfully barbershop. Again bravo! One of the most enjoyable performances I've seen in quite a while.

  • @creativenative5175
    @creativenative5175 4 месяца назад +1

    Beautiful voices and harmony. Looking forward to the transcript filling in some parts. Thank you for sharing!🙂🙏🏻

  • @emmadishaw1767
    @emmadishaw1767 Год назад

    I’m doing barbershop quartet with three of my friends and I’m so excited!!

  • @diorynovis
    @diorynovis Год назад +1

    20 years from now i'd go back here and listen once again

  • @nthgth
    @nthgth Год назад +3

    Very well done. Performers are great, but also, the arrangement. Whoever arranged it (created the barbershop adaptations we're seeing recited) knows how to make things sound good.
    It goes to show - knowing how to arrange it is more important than good songwriting!
    Or alternatively, it's the most important aspect _of_ songwriting.
    Even a dumb song can be arranged to sound good anyway.

  • @KevinBSelby
    @KevinBSelby Год назад +2


  • @robertgallentine1095
    @robertgallentine1095 Год назад +20

    These guys are always incredible. My chorus teacher made sure all of us boys were able to compete for spots in any Barbershop Festival in the state, or close. I couldn't be more thankful for that. Mrs.Sanborn for the win!

    • @mpret9478
      @mpret9478 Год назад

      Hey, someone else also commented about Mr. Sanborn @lindacaldwell6251

  • @susangrande8142
    @susangrande8142 Год назад +1

    WOW!!! THEY ARE. AWESOME!!! 🥳😃😍😘 So talented to sing like that! And that last chord--even through the lousy speakers of my earbuds--I could feel the meshing of their harmony! Beautiful!!! BRAVO, DUDES!!!!!👏👏

  • @MannyMX5
    @MannyMX5 Год назад +1

    Favorite song in the year 2024. Praying I get to see you live one day

  • @CHIsports81
    @CHIsports81 Год назад +5

    Barbershop has always been beyond impressive to me and these four incredibly gifted and hilarious gentlemen were such a delight! I would listen to pop if they were the ones singing the songs. Absolute perfection. 👏👏👏👏

  • @artartful854
    @artartful854 Год назад +1

    My uncle was in a barbershop quartet. Loved it all.

  • @janellesart
    @janellesart Год назад +13

    That was so clever and fun to watch! Awesome!

  • @DNHarris
    @DNHarris 7 месяцев назад +4

    0:33 Finally looked at the video and saw the big guy on the right. I thought that was his tongue hanging out of his mouth for a moment there. xD

  • @mikosoft
    @mikosoft Год назад +2

    I completely lost it at Uptown funk. I almost spat my cereals and fell from the chair. Not only they sang it close to perfection, they managed some funny interludes while not losing pitch and ending on the high note. Barbershop at its finest.

  • @GoliathsChamp
    @GoliathsChamp Год назад +2

    I appreciate the entertainment value of this clip.

  • @TaldrenMGMoonGuard
    @TaldrenMGMoonGuard Год назад +3

    This was fucking awesome! Thank god I can read music because I wouldn't have watched it otherwise. I LOVE barbershop quartet music. HUGE fan of Mike Rowe. If you don't know who he is look him up under dirty jobs and then google his name for barbershop quartet. That man has such an amazing voice

  • @duncathan_salt
    @duncathan_salt Год назад +15

    I'm glad you're transcribing all the "classics" of barbershop RUclips! (There's a small irony in referring to these vids as classics in the context of this specific performance lol)

  • @GoSabres89
    @GoSabres89 Год назад +2

    This is the difference between singers and performers. Turn on the radio today and see if you can find any singers.

    • @Dancestar1981
      @Dancestar1981 10 месяцев назад +1

      Most of them are auto tuned to the hilt

    • @Dancestar1981
      @Dancestar1981 10 месяцев назад

      The current songs on radio

  • @RndmGuy48-t1b
    @RndmGuy48-t1b 7 месяцев назад +1

    Man the practice and hours they put in for this, must be insane! Fantastic!

  • @dancarrington7100
    @dancarrington7100 6 месяцев назад +1

    I love that people can still do this today. That was great!

  • @rebeccascott242
    @rebeccascott242 8 месяцев назад +1

    Barbershop will always be a favorite. Such Good times when I was a kid seeing my dad perform.. Music is great n so funny with the comedy that go's with it.

  • @jgkavanaugh
    @jgkavanaugh Год назад +2

    Sang barbershop in college and absolutely loved it. It is fun to sing in a small group.

  • @raydunakin
    @raydunakin 10 месяцев назад +3

    Wow, what talent these guys have!

  • @j.patrickmoore9137
    @j.patrickmoore9137 Год назад +2

    I was listening to The Beach Boys yesterday and realized that, with their harmonies, they weren't all that different from a barbershop quartet.

  • @victorpaini6391
    @victorpaini6391 Год назад +4

    That last note is fantastic!

  • @robinloperfido
    @robinloperfido 11 месяцев назад +2

    This was so much fun to watch. Great job, guys. Perfect humor and notes!