Ruler pics - can anyone show 8 inches?

Last post on this today I promise.

It is simple really.

If you drop your pants in front of someone whatever amount of penis they can see and touch is how big they will observe you to be. Nobody gives a fuck if you are too fat to have a big dick. I mean what do you say, poke my guts hard as you can because that’s how big my dick is? Oh my god, I gotta see that happen. Would be awesome in a comedy movie.
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That's the longest correct NBP measurement I've seen. It was posted on Reddit a few years ago but the account doesn't exist anymore. Here's the original image:
It looks at least lightly bp to me. Also, isn’t he still shy of 9...& still shorter than you? Lol
It looks at least lightly bp to me.

Sure but the zero is at the NBP starting point IMO, maybe even a little in front of it. I think he would still get the same reading with a ruler that starts at 0 and fully NBP, maybe a tad less with the ruler better centered. I could be wrong though, and I know I said before that you can't really deduce NBP from a BP measurement but here it looks pretty straightforward.

Also, isn’t he still shy of 9...& still shorter than you? Lol

BP I would definitely beat him but not NBP.
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Sure but the zero is at the NBP starting point IMO, maybe even a little in front of it. I think he would still get the same reading with a ruler that starts at 0 and fully NBP, maybe a tad less with the ruler better centered. I could be wrong though, and I know I said before that you can't really deduce NBP from a BP measurement but here it looks pretty straightforward.

BP I would definitely beat him but not NBP.
Damn. It’s good to know that this is the official biggest. I honestly am somewhat surprised that not a single legit properly measured 9” (this guy even seems a hair short) has showed up. It shouldn’t surprise me after being mindblown by estimation wizards like you in threads like this or the measured pornstars thread. Not to mention the 10k challenge...

I just still remember thinking I was average because almost every guy in my high school supposedly had 7-9” cocks.
That's the longest correct NBP measurement I've seen. It was posted on Reddit a few years ago but the account doesn't exist anymore. Here's the original image:
Low res, has been through an editor, and has really suspicious edges...only around the penis and ruler.

Meh. I'd like to see the raw image, but as it isn't anyone here submitting it, don't really care either.
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Low res, has been through an editor, and has really suspicious edges...only around the penis and ruler.

Meh. I'd like to see the raw image, but as it isn't anyone here submitting it, don't really care either.
I respect you man, really I do. But It seems like there literally isn't a single legit picture if it comes across your eyes. Not a single one. Every pic has something off about it or been edited or shadows or edges. Like every camera/picture taken is perfect? We might fall out of favor with each other (Odds are I wasn't even on your radar) But just being honest, it seems the amount of doubt is excessive.
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I respect you man, really I do. But It seems like there literally isn't a single legit picture if it comes across your eyes. Not a single one. Every pic has something off about it or been edited or shadows or edges. Like every camera/picture taken is perfect? We might fall out of favor with each other (Odds are I wasn't even on your radar) But just being honest, it seems the amount of doubt is excessive.

It's all good with me, I have no issues with you bringing this up.

My doubt IS excessive. Because the shear volume of faked images is excessive.

Both SDP and Mr_Snufalufugus have posted examples of good legit photos without digital manipulation, camera lens tricks, or aspect ration manipulation. Unfortunately there are a LOT of fakes. Many of them have been circulating for years. Many have been posted multiple times here over the years. Some of us don't need to re-analyze them....we've seen them and done that already.

And to be perfectly clear, read my previous post again. I didn't say it wasn't legit. It's suspicious. Running through free software reveals that the photo was previously saved in an image editor. When you take a photo, you don't save it to an editor unless you plan to manipulate it. I don't see any artisitc manipulation, and since it's a dick shot showing a 1 in 300,000,000 size, I'm skeptical. As it isn't important to me, I'm not going further than this checking of exif data and a close look.

Go take a look at the last page of the $10k-10" thread. There are several posts with really good photos of a mixed race couple. The guy is enormous. The photos are 'shopped. Would you believe their veracity if you weren't told they are manipulated?
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Damn! Good find. Very long but thin. I guess this guy was the nightmare of many women lol. True uterus poker.
That's the longest correct NBP measurement I've seen. It was posted on Reddit a few years ago but the account doesn't exist anymore. Here's the original image:

Why does the ruler cut into his glans at the 7 inch mark? Hope that didn't hurt too much... :p
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Damn! Good find. Very long but thin. I guess this guy was the nightmare of many women lol. True uterus poker.
Thin? Check your privilege! :p

But seriously, It's not thin at all.
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