Johnny Depp expert rips Amber Heard psychologist for 'misrepresenting' testimony | LiveNOW from FOX

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
  • Johnny Depp's expert psychologist Dr. Shannon Curry returned to the stand in the actor's defamation trial against his ex-wife Amber Heard. Curry testified that Heard's expert, Dr. Dawn Hughes, misrepresented Curry's testimony and that she did not explain things with proper context and made a diagnosis based on Heard's answers to questions, which is not reliable.
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Комментарии • 2,6 тыс.

  • @Hatokirei
    @Hatokirei 2 года назад +6586

    Dr. Curry is just....a freaking joy to watch. She communicates clearly, you can see the joy she has in her field, and she's strong and knowledgeable.

    • @ConfusedSOB
      @ConfusedSOB 2 года назад +126

      And she's beautiful, i can listen to her all day

    • @leahhuntz6236
      @leahhuntz6236 2 года назад +76

      The way Elaine spoke to her was ridiculous, she did no favours for their side. She wldnt let dr curry read her own answers and borderline wldnt let her answer. Just tried to get her to agree to whatever she said and it backfired. Mean nasty lady like her client

    • @jayroh3996
      @jayroh3996 2 года назад +34

      @@grandmaida7819 Oooh, here's an Amber troll that's trolling the comments thread!! Amber troll alert! Amber troll alert!

    • @vesper9198
      @vesper9198 2 года назад +31

      And she is 🔥🔥

    • @bravies1574
      @bravies1574 2 года назад +28

      Joe rogan should get her on his podcast or him and Johnny if it was possible after the trial is finished would be a great listen

  • @MaynardGKrebs-tt1dd
    @MaynardGKrebs-tt1dd 2 года назад +3146

    As a retired psychologist, I have to say that Amber Heard's defense team has hired the most glaringly incompetent and unethical psychologists practitioners. They are an embarrassment to the field.

    • @shannonthornton9911
      @shannonthornton9911 2 года назад +97

      Agreed. These mental health professionals for hire are a disgrace to our field of study.

    • @nikomouse6583
      @nikomouse6583 2 года назад +48

      What I want to know is can they be barred from practicing again or be under investigation at least?

    • @animalsarebeautifulpeople3094
      @animalsarebeautifulpeople3094 2 года назад

      I think the most idiotic and/or cash desperate "experts" were willing to defend a literal pile of steaming turd - which is what amber is.

    • @dragana.kuzmanovic
      @dragana.kuzmanovic 2 года назад +84

      Seems like they hired the most immoral ones who would provide false, psychological evaluation that would benefit the image Amber is trying to portray. I hope they will be punished for malpractice and lose all clients.

    • @nc737
      @nc737 2 года назад

      They are probably limited who they can find that will sell out their ethics and integrity

  • @michaelhubert1153
    @michaelhubert1153 2 года назад +1433

    The fact that Dr. Curry is able to summarize all the tests that Dr. Hughes administered and the main conclusions in a better, smarter and more digestable format all the while highlighting the weaknesses of her conclusions and methodology, without requiring notes in front of her, is the absolute demonstration of Dr. Curry's superiority in terms of professionalism and proficiency.

    • @s.susanmarandi9080
      @s.susanmarandi9080 2 года назад +14


    • @vickeysteffin8061
      @vickeysteffin8061 2 года назад +27

      The top of Ambers head looks like a cupcake.

    • @drgregoryhaus
      @drgregoryhaus 2 года назад +16

      Yes, but since she's not board certified she cannot be trusted. Aha.

    • @Acheron666
      @Acheron666 2 года назад +27

      She Knows the Muffin man.
      The Muffin man is the supreme being, so anyone who knows him can be trusted.
      All hail the glorious leader.
      All hail the Muffin Man.

    • @NeurodogNVR
      @NeurodogNVR 2 года назад

      @@Acheron666 she's married to the Muffin Man

  • @ashleymarks3726
    @ashleymarks3726 2 года назад +3338

    I can’t get over just how efficient and professional she is. The complete opposite of Heard’s team. It’s outstanding.

    • @demi0n
      @demi0n 2 года назад

      Heards team are a bunch of wierdos you avoid in life her lawyer alone looks like a bitter female who got no joy in life

    • @JamesWilsonMD
      @JamesWilsonMD 2 года назад +5

      And there is no agenda in your opinion?

    • @wiggleroom6847
      @wiggleroom6847 2 года назад +11

      Someone else made a great point yesterday: that everyone loves Johnny Depp so much, this is the left over crew to choose from

    • @wiggleroom6847
      @wiggleroom6847 2 года назад +15

      @@JamesWilsonMD I think it's a defaulted imbalance. I don't think Elaine wants to present as *horrible* at her job as she is. I don't think Dr Spiegel realizes he's a nut case ..

    • @ashleymarks3726
      @ashleymarks3726 2 года назад +13

      @@JamesWilsonMD no

  • @missmyoldhandle24
    @missmyoldhandle24 2 года назад +718

    As a licensed therapist specializing in IPV and complex PTSD, I appreciate this doctor so much. Ms. Heard's "expert" should lose her license

    • @hafsa.90
      @hafsa.90 2 года назад +55

      Even to a non specialist, she came across as biased and aggressive.

    • @dylanminer3728
      @dylanminer3728 2 года назад +6

      @@hafsa.90 sorry you obviously are talking about amber heard "expert"

    • @hafsa.90
      @hafsa.90 2 года назад +19

      @@dylanminer3728 oh definitely. Because the OP finished their comment about her and I replied. Dr. Curry's testimonies were a masterclass. She's the reason I got hooked on this trial 😍

    • @terseandtiny1746
      @terseandtiny1746 2 года назад +4

      I wish I knew about her practice near by during my licensure process. I would have definitely applied to be an associate.

    • @nirajay6132
      @nirajay6132 2 года назад +6

      how's Dr. Hughes board certified again?

  • @tapjar85
    @tapjar85 2 года назад +1713

    You can tell she does alot of teaching and public speaking to her medical peers or other professionals. Incredibly professional, knowledgable and competent.

    • @Introvert_Honey
      @Introvert_Honey 2 года назад +35

      Dr. Curry is a fantastic educator.

    • @Ad-Lo
      @Ad-Lo 2 года назад +36

      And she doesn’t say, “umm” at all.

    • @GoLakers3900
      @GoLakers3900 2 года назад +26

      And she's pretty.

    • @dieterrosswag933
      @dieterrosswag933 2 года назад +12

      And prettyyyy

    • @vicki6624
      @vicki6624 2 года назад +8

      The quality of Dr. Curry's skill in her profession versus the quality of Dr. Hughes skill in her profession can be illustrated thusly:
      Dr. Curry: 💎💎💎💎💎
      Dr. Hughes: 💩💩💩💩💩

  • @jondavwal13
    @jondavwal13 2 года назад +658

    My husband is a PTSD expert and said EVERYTHING she said is spot on. He also said Heard’s lawyer should have her license revoked.

    • @travrav5935
      @travrav5935 2 года назад +25

      Your husband is a very smart and knowledgeable man in your life. He’s spot on with the last part of your sentence also.👍🏽

    • @uscp2
      @uscp2 2 года назад +8

      Her Lawyer or Dawn Hughes? I think the later is more reasonable for her incorrect practice in the analysis of Heard.

    • @kidbuu4238
      @kidbuu4238 2 года назад +1

      Ur husband?🤣

    • @shawnbay2211
      @shawnbay2211 2 года назад +5

      @@kidbuu4238 I’m sure Jonathan’s husband has at least some credentials above reading a few online articles.

    • @weenfain
      @weenfain 2 года назад

      @@kidbuu4238 how is it hilarious? Bc his name is Johnathan and says their husband? Always has to be one, right? That is you. I’d be embarrassed if I was that ignorant but I doubt you care. Rarely do.

  • @srinathtk86
    @srinathtk86 2 года назад +1252

    It’s just so enlightening to watch her speak. Unlike Amber Heard’s experts who stutter and jitter , her thoughts flow from pure logic and conviction.

    • @bromleykatly
      @bromleykatly 2 года назад +48

      And she's not reading it from her notes either. She actually knows.

    • @Ninteybricks
      @Ninteybricks 2 года назад +22

      This comment makes me adore her even more.

    • @abbyvaughn3035
      @abbyvaughn3035 2 года назад +8

      Dr. Curry is just amazing! And she’s very thorough !!!!!
      I can listen to her all day! All her explanations are so clear and understandable .
      (Love Wayne Dennison as well ❤!!!!)

    • @avyitis3425
      @avyitis3425 Год назад +1

      That's because she's honest and not every second word she utters is a lie over which she has to be worried of getting herself entangled in.

  • @dreamweaver8798
    @dreamweaver8798 2 года назад +1037

    This woman must have been a teacher or have kids at one point. She has an amazing way of communicating her field without losing people or going above their comprehension. I literally understood everything she was saying and it was very interesting!

    • @funkiebutch9690
      @funkiebutch9690 2 года назад +73

      She's clinical forensics psychologists, meaning she studies cases and criminals and need to present in court alot of time. So, yes communication is something she should be good at.

    • @jrobs1133
      @jrobs1133 2 года назад +23

      @@funkiebutch9690 And is.

    • @SP-uw1lg
      @SP-uw1lg 2 года назад +24

      Healthcare professionals learn a lot about effective communication (I.e., not using jargon) when speaking to patients/clients.

    • @Vershane
      @Vershane 2 года назад +24

      When I studied communicology, interpersonal communication, something I learned unintentionally from it was that when someone is truly an expert and highly knowledgeable and intelligent, they will/should have the ability to communicate complicated ideas so that anyone can understand them. Because when you really understand a concept or idea, you will have the ability to be able to reword it so that it makes sense to whoever you are speaking with. Interestingly enough, all of JDs experts had this ability, while AHs experts all tried to use big words to try to add credibility to their “expertise”.

    • @chasebeecham12
      @chasebeecham12 2 года назад +6

      I agree. She's also very pretty wow

  • @sarahjeske1451
    @sarahjeske1451 2 года назад +267

    This woman doesn’t need any notes. Yet AH “expert” can’t even do her testimony without cheating.

  • @chouette73
    @chouette73 2 года назад +1352

    Dr Curry comes back because “someone” dares to question her professional expertise. We can also tell she does not testify for money but for truth to avail. Although we know professional experts get paid in court, listening to her is so refreshing because her detailed explanation about how tests/evaluations are done reminds me of professor lectures in universities. Nothing but huge respect for her knowledge. ❤

    • @msmee0079
      @msmee0079 2 года назад +9


    • @MeaningSeekerPod
      @MeaningSeekerPod 2 года назад +31

      Agreed. Whole heartedly. She's an example, in my mind, at least professionally - she's an example of 'the real deal' - the complacent, unaccomplished, and frauds hate people like her, because people like her are masters of their field. Subset masters of truth, also. There is no victory possible against one of these there is no sharper or more deadly weapon than the truth and the person who knows how to wield it. ⚔️✌️

    • @ghostyplans
      @ghostyplans 2 года назад +13

      I wholeheartedly respect Dr. Curry. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • @saoirserose2696
      @saoirserose2696 2 года назад +8

      I found it very distasteful and ridiculous that AH’s law firm, has repeatedly over many years, hired every single one of their “expert” witnesses in many other cases over many years, who are extremely well paid, and it seems to me their experts will say anything even to the point it’s clear they’re overreaching and grasping at straws to discredit every single thing all of Depp’s expert witnesses say. For me, I felt her panel of experts were disingenuous and clearly using their Credentials to help AH even when it was dishonest and reckless to do so, as soon as Hughes used gendered language to describe abusers and victims throughout her testimony … so unprofessional wrong and obvious why she did that, and then the doctor who never saw or treated Depp for his finger saying it absolutely could not have been severed by a bottle even after he was shown the photos of large blood splashes and drops leading from the bar to the bathroom for toilet paper to wrap it and the little wads of blood soaked tp on the floor, and that psychiatrist they had yesterday who has never met or spoken to Johnny giving out an “evaluation” based on watching a few old interviews and possibly a film role he played! Dr Curry actually met AH spent time with her, evaluated and tested her personally over a long period of time, Depp didn’t just hire a psychiatrist to diagnose AH based on her celebrity appearances.

    • @neil8045
      @neil8045 2 года назад +1

      The audacity of someone apposing this goddess.

  • @MeanKno
    @MeanKno 2 года назад +729

    As a behavioral health epidemiologist working for the Army, what she said about the PCL-5 is accurate for sure. Dr. Curry is definitely more educated on these tools than Dr. Hughs.

    • @gojosatoru2065
      @gojosatoru2065 2 года назад +21

      Thank you for your service ❤️

    • @LindaKayHolevas
      @LindaKayHolevas 2 года назад +13

      Thank you so much for your service🇺🇸

    • @Screwby_Jones6200
      @Screwby_Jones6200 2 года назад +4

      No offense but you guys always make misdiagnosis with soldiers all the time speaking as Infantryman from Stewart.
      I lost 3 high speeds due to this.

    • @nobody6032
      @nobody6032 2 года назад +5

      @@Screwby_Jones6200 As true as this may be it wouldn't be wise for us to pull this veil over all psychiatrists or behavioral epidemiologists.

    • @Screwby_Jones6200
      @Screwby_Jones6200 2 года назад +1

      @@nobody6032 idk the guy or his credentials but all im saying is this guys point is as valid as anyone in this comment section..No more No Less
      Johnny depp is gonna win though.

  • @vintagebarbieworld9272
    @vintagebarbieworld9272 2 года назад +2354

    It is appalling how the doctor who examined Amber basically gave her the "answers" to the test so to speak. It's so inappropriate and unethical on so many levels and she should be reprimanded for her unethical and immoral actions. That doctor's credibility is completely blown. Thank goodness Dr. Curry is an ethical and moral doctor whose only objective here is to tell the facts and expose the truth which is that Amber is a manipulator and liar who will do ANYTHING to sell her lies as facts and truth.

    • @1dayUllC
      @1dayUllC 2 года назад +35

      Ah is a true Narcissist.

    • @jeffswords645
      @jeffswords645 2 года назад +30

      my dumb brain stumbled reading the words doctor and who next to each other in a different context.

    • @clydapowers3987
      @clydapowers3987 2 года назад +6

      People like the one that gave her her valuation make it why people don't trust psychiatrist I don't believe that psychiatrist know anymore than we do they go to school and supposedly learned how to diagnose people but how many of them really understand what they were taught you can sit in front of a psychiatrist for hours and hours and they get paid $500 or so and I worked seems like and they absolutely tell you nothing in the end except 40 it's going to take a couple years for us to get you through the these issues and of course they're going to say that I mean if you're getting paid that much and I will would you want to know that your client was going to keep coming back for years that guarantees you a paycheck for years

    • @tinadoucette9784
      @tinadoucette9784 2 года назад

      Because she is the devil

    • @2l84t
      @2l84t 2 года назад +5

      Not surprising, her lawyer keeps doing the same thing.

  • @Mamanew22
    @Mamanew22 2 года назад +365

    Her demeanor compared to Amber's witness. Not reading anything. Not pressured. Just answering the questions with the knowledge available. Level headed. She is destroying Amber's witness rn 🖤

  • @vincentsimbol7251
    @vincentsimbol7251 2 года назад +64

    At one point in her direct examination, she straight up says 'She (Dr. Hughes) should not have done those tests period'. It sounded like she was scolding a junior colleague, it was amazing.

  • @sheilagravely5621
    @sheilagravely5621 2 года назад +475

    This woman is exceptionally intelligent and professional. Wonderful witness.
    Justice for Johnny Depp!

    • @blamitdsz
      @blamitdsz 2 года назад +2

      Don't forget to mention.. Hot...

    • @indeliblemakes5359
      @indeliblemakes5359 2 года назад

      @@blamitdsz darn ✅️

    • @Acheron666
      @Acheron666 2 года назад

      @Andrew Korvin
      You cannot buy her muffins.
      You are an impostor.
      Only the glorious leader, The Muffin Man, can buy her muffins.
      All hail the supreme being, the muffin man.

  • @Vitagirl
    @Vitagirl 2 года назад +3256

    I love this woman!! Another badass woman that is calling out a manipulative woman!! Next time another woman decides to hide behind a platform for justice maybe she will recall this demise of a woman that decided to lie, cheat, manipulate in order to destroy a person and their life!! as a survivor of abuse I am appalled and unlike so many that immediately believed these allegations I chose to listen to facts!! We are not obligated to believe someone based upon societal changes!!

    • @hendrinajoubert4550
      @hendrinajoubert4550 2 года назад +31

      Bravo dr Curry. I salute you.

    • @livewire898
      @livewire898 2 года назад +57

      Agreed! She had me at "Can we stop talking about the muffins"

    • @Vitagirl
      @Vitagirl 2 года назад +8

      @@livewire898 lol yep!!

    • @TheHouseofcoolstuff
      @TheHouseofcoolstuff 2 года назад +31

      Thank you for speaking with wisdom and grace! They’re so many women out there who lie about domestic violence. I have seen it with my own eyes! Women who lie on something as serious as domestic violence and ruin an innocent man’s life are absolutely evil. I hope the truth comes out and there’s consequences for her lies.

    • @dawnajamison430
      @dawnajamison430 2 года назад +14

      @@livewire898 lol 😂 I loved that “MUFFIN” statement.

  • @psychologienerd7546
    @psychologienerd7546 2 года назад +1266

    She really is doing us psychologists a favor by telling a huge audience what type of questionnaires are around there, research, nonresearch and forensics. Because often people do not understand these differences.
    EDIT (as requested to elaborate a bit):
    Questionnaires mostly differ in three things (but not only).
    1. Control for fake answers: forensic > clinical > non-clinical, e. g. MODERATE difficulty: asking the same question from different perspectives. HARD difficulty: assuming "only" psychopaths like playing golf, the question in a forensic questionnaire would be "Do you enjoy playing golf?" here, unless you know about this hidden relationship, it is "impossible" to fake your answer.
    2. Range of their scale, you can imagine that clinical questionnaires are only interested in "slight" deviations from the norm, e. g. 0-2 standard deviations, while forensic ones will care about anything above 2 SDs above or below the population mean.
    3. How nuanced they are, while clinical questionnaires are just interested in antisocial behavior in general, the forensic ones differentiate a lot more WITHIN this personality trait, e. g. being manipulative, dishonest,...
    However, all questionnaires come with manuals/handbooks for interpretation, and should be interpreted only with those handbooks. Unfortunately because it is very tiresome for some psychologists, hence not all psychologists do this, just as you may not always follow all traffic rules. But given the importance of Heard's case, they should have done it properly, same as you drive flawlessly when a police car is next to you.

    • @sarasorensen2650
      @sarasorensen2650 2 года назад +43

      Yes. My husband, a court-appointed mental health counselor, has a hard time with movies and tv that don't research properly. His rants are very educational.

    • @eyeofhorus1301
      @eyeofhorus1301 2 года назад +1

      +Psychologie Nerd Don't worry people will continue to be too lazy and dumb to bother to understand the differences

    • @juliabelle5372
      @juliabelle5372 2 года назад +3

      So what are the differences between the checklists and diagnostic scales? I'm getting my master degree in social work and I feel like we aren't being educated on how to interpret the results of scales or being informed of the best scales to use when etc. I find myself having to do a lot of research myself in order to prepare for clinical work. I'm under the impression that some scales only psychologists can interpret? 🤔

    • @mawasorangutan
      @mawasorangutan 2 года назад +6

      @@juliabelle5372 each question for each issues have different grain detail level
      Quite often people failed to categorizing it properly, so knowing the issue in the field is crucial
      I work in behavioral biology research

    • @hernandezcordovajanice6140
      @hernandezcordovajanice6140 2 года назад +2

      That is the way an expert testify in court.

  • @heyyyme100
    @heyyyme100 2 года назад +135

    This woman is amazing. It almost feels like I’m in the classroom and she’s the professor. I’m blown away.

  • @MatthewPlatz
    @MatthewPlatz 2 года назад +95

    She is fact-packed, smooth, logical, educated, and a great communicator! The professional gem of this trial!

  • @smokie1399
    @smokie1399 2 года назад +1083

    This case isn’t only showing us about Domestic violence, but teaching us to get a second, third and fourth opinion whenever we are seeing doctors!! Some are just so bad like those AH’s team have brought in so far , and some are professional and honest like this woman !

    • @moziboy75
      @moziboy75 2 года назад +48

      It shows no matter how high up the ladder their are always incompetence

    • @Kenidra4Humanity
      @Kenidra4Humanity 2 года назад +9


    • @mathue3728
      @mathue3728 2 года назад

      @@moziboy75 or just straight up corruption when you offer them money to skew an accurate diagnosis which is what I’m assuming amber heard did

    • @selfesteem3447
      @selfesteem3447 2 года назад +13

      The field of psychology is inundated with psychologist who are narcissists. They choose this field because this is a perfect position for holding power over others especially those that are weak and hurt. Keep them sick run up that bill. Same goes for any position of power but this field is one that is very problematic with this happening, and the valid true and caring Mental Health will attest to this and they can't stand having them working alongside them in the field. It's horrible. It hasn't ever happened to me but I read about plenty of them in the comment section on narcissism education videos.

    • @cmdubwms
      @cmdubwms 2 года назад +2


  • @davejones538
    @davejones538 2 года назад +266

    Wow she knows her stuff. bet Amber didn't know it would go here when she started her court journey

    • @wendyhardin5259
      @wendyhardin5259 2 года назад +3

      Seems not.

    • @synergisticcollusion134
      @synergisticcollusion134 2 года назад

      Definitely not. She expected everyone to keep believing in her vagina, as she spewed her BS claims of abuse! I NEVER understood how ANYONE ever believed her in the 1st place, but the UK trial - also bought into her lies because of her appearance and God knows what else she did to swing that - REALLY bolstered her position as a "victim/survivor" and made her believe that she was UNTOUCHABLE. I've been hoping for this trial to come to see her fall flat on ALL her HIDEOUS faces for YEARS and for Johnny to get the justice he truly deserves!! 💯

    • @wendyhardin5259
      @wendyhardin5259 2 года назад +11

      Nope. She truly thought her being a woman who claimed to be a victim of Domestic Violence and to perform on the witness stand as she pathetically did would win her the case. She thought lying. Bringing in friends to lie for her, to sit and posture and emote for the cameras would sway the jury and public opinion. She got a rude awakening that was unfortunately a long time in coming.

  • @robinasemani1197
    @robinasemani1197 2 года назад +289

    Dr Shannon Curry said that Amber Heard would not give her straight forward answers and that she had to take special measures in trying to get proper results when testing Amber because of it.

  • @apoclypse
    @apoclypse 2 года назад +148

    I like the she seems genuinely engaged and excited to talk about her field of expertise. You can tell she wants to start breaking out charts and graphs to explain everything in fine detail. No hesitation, no stuttering or trying to remember her data. She loves what she does and you can tell.

  • @Did_No_Wrong
    @Did_No_Wrong 2 года назад +520

    This woman just completely demolished ambers psychological experts testimony in pieces. Glad she pointed out the unethical uses of that Karens psychological test and why it shouldn't be considered valid.

    • @yvettetorres7829
      @yvettetorres7829 2 года назад

      Why bring up Karens!? What are you trying to accomplish by throwing that racially charged buzzword around

    • @jessicamarie42503
      @jessicamarie42503 2 года назад +27

      @@yvettetorres7829 racially charged? 😂😂😂

    • @aw6190
      @aw6190 2 года назад +18

      @@yvettetorres7829 “Yvette Karen Torres”

      @AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA943 2 года назад +23

      @@yvettetorres7829 this is such a "Karen" thing to say

    • @Tiddlybasher
      @Tiddlybasher 2 года назад +13

      @@yvettetorres7829 karenita

  • @morganaluthor
    @morganaluthor 2 года назад +262

    great to have her back again and this time to 'educate' them on the misrepresentations

  • @Liesmith424
    @Liesmith424 2 года назад +129

    Dr Curry's demeanor is so refreshing after watching Dr Spiegel's testimony.

    • @TheGreySage0
      @TheGreySage0 2 года назад +6

      Dr Gargamel would be great at enchanced 'interrogation' 😂

    • @ashleymarks3726
      @ashleymarks3726 2 года назад +6

      That dude creeps me out and pissed me off. Something ain’t right upstairs 🤣🤪🥴

    • @bhekinyoni2775
      @bhekinyoni2775 2 года назад +3

      The dr Spiegels of this world, the guy is unhinged

    • @yellowsoy2475
      @yellowsoy2475 2 года назад +1

      Dr Shaw was also very good. He had such a calming voice and went to town on Spiegal’s testimony regarding the Goldwater Rule. You don’t mess with ethics.

    • @dragonsky799
      @dragonsky799 2 года назад

      @@TheGreySage0 "Dr. Gargamel"..Perfect reference! Lmao

  • @joyfulj1663
    @joyfulj1663 2 года назад +326

    She is like a ray of sunshine. The way she's smiling as she introduced herself

    • @patpearson6358
      @patpearson6358 2 года назад +1


    • @joyfulj1663
      @joyfulj1663 2 года назад

      @@patpearson6358 get a life

    • @patpearson6358
      @patpearson6358 2 года назад +1

      Thank you. Such a Joy, JJ☔

    • @joyfulj1663
      @joyfulj1663 2 года назад

      @@patpearson6358 you don't seem like a joy. Cheer up.

    • @asianmelb
      @asianmelb 2 года назад

      God the pandering … she’s cool but ain’t god calm down

  • @ChristianRamirez-nr8qb
    @ChristianRamirez-nr8qb 2 года назад +54

    This is what a professional doctor looks like and not only professional but ethical and that follows the rules.

  • @alimay4342
    @alimay4342 2 года назад +287

    The women on Johnnys team are not just extremely intelligent and well spoken, but really know what they are talking about and have so much passion behind their jobs, the definition of strong independent women.

    • @lesliedabrowski4152
      @lesliedabrowski4152 2 года назад

      So True,, Sorry but I do not know where Amber found her lawyer,.., and not to put her Lawyer down, but she did not have the expertise for this trial..or did not have time to prepare...for this....

    • @70mustang302
      @70mustang302 Год назад +1

      What do you mean by "independent"?

    • @alimay4342
      @alimay4342 Год назад +1

      @@70mustang302 Do you need me to give you the definition of the word independent?

    • @70mustang302
      @70mustang302 Год назад

      @@alimay4342 Yeah smartass. What is an independent woman? For that matter what is an independent man? Independent from what?

  • @johnkidd1226
    @johnkidd1226 2 года назад +1107

    She is an excellent witness and Amber's lawyer only looks worse trying to attack her credibility.

    • @LaPinturaBella
      @LaPinturaBella 2 года назад +26

      I agree wholeheartedly. The ridiculous part of that strategy is Elaine has repeatedly demonstrated she herself has zero credibility.

    • @benotokibami2472
      @benotokibami2472 2 года назад +1

      Very true! If AH lawyers are smart enough, they shouldn't have attacked Dr Curry! But Universe has its own way of exposing these fake people!🤣🤣🤣

    • @mtljmbTUBE
      @mtljmbTUBE 2 года назад +11

      Yup, it is embarassing, trying to find contradictions in minute and irrelevant details in past discussions, like really... she should just rest

    • @dinajose7co
      @dinajose7co 2 года назад +1


    • @Handleisnotavailable1
      @Handleisnotavailable1 2 года назад

      I actually think that this is the first (and only) time Amber’s lawyer is effective, looked confident and planted a seed of doubt towards this professional’s real integrity and expertise….as she should. As the testimony advanced, Amber's lawyer brought up things such as the fact that she is not certified by the board. Bringing also the dinner and drinks was good move on Amber’s lawyer end.

  • @flowergirl4612
    @flowergirl4612 2 года назад +461

    I like how sheblooks at everyone when she is talking,it's normal, she is talking to everyone. Not like AH,when she breaks her neck to answer just to the jury.

    • @emmelineasena8913
      @emmelineasena8913 2 года назад

      Break her neck wtf 😭 😂

    • @cooodawooodashoooda
      @cooodawooodashoooda 2 года назад +16

      Good point. She’s an excellent expert witness.

    • @cpete1459
      @cpete1459 2 года назад +10

      She does break her neck, perfect description. No wonder she gets winded and has to drink something up there 😂

    • @liquidswar
      @liquidswar 2 года назад +4

      Wow nice observation!

    • @clairehayward4521
      @clairehayward4521 2 года назад +6

      True. I've noticed that it's more natural looking to engage with the jury for longer answers or explanations, not whip back and forth for simple yes and no answers. The latter is just kinda weird!

  • @mikkonakpil3859
    @mikkonakpil3859 2 года назад +330

    Dr. Curry really knows what she is talking about, based on event that happened without looking at any cue cards or notes whatsoever.

    • @synergisticcollusion134
      @synergisticcollusion134 2 года назад +32

      Whereas Dr. Hughes had to be repeatedly told to STOP reading from her notes. The difference between these 2 doctors isn't even measurable, except to say that Dr. Curry is at the top! 💯💯

    • @mazzid9973
      @mazzid9973 2 года назад

      @@synergisticcollusion134 AGREE 👍 👏 💯 👍😁🐨🦘🙃

    • @epresley8324
      @epresley8324 2 года назад +10

      I noticed that too! You don’t need to have a good memory when you’re telling the truth!

    • @eyeofhorus1301
      @eyeofhorus1301 2 года назад

      @@synergisticcollusion134 Dr. Hughes is gutter league, Dr. Curry is grandmaster league

  • @marythomas3982
    @marythomas3982 2 года назад +62

    This is one of the most important testimonies I have heard during this trail. It is definitely an eye opener for us all when relying on and choosing a doctor for our own medical help.

  • @DrAtikurRahmanTalukder
    @DrAtikurRahmanTalukder 2 года назад +118

    She's just wonderful. Reminds me of the great professors I've had the fortune of coming across. I bet even if you're not from medical field you'd find everything she is explaining seems so easy to learn. Keep shining Dr Curry.

  • @curticusmaximus
    @curticusmaximus 2 года назад +471

    The woman has to be one of the smartest people alive. She killed it again. Crazy seeing the difference between her and the doctors that Heard's team have brought to the stand

    • @Mike-om4tv
      @Mike-om4tv 2 года назад +10

      Doubt that. She's smart no doubt, but just an experienced professional in her field.

    • @curticusmaximus
      @curticusmaximus 2 года назад +26

      @@Mike-om4tv for me, it's not only the obvious experience, it's how concise and well put together and thought out she is. She just gives sooo much good/strong factual information that I feel would be difficult for a lot of people to quickly get through. Like knowing it is one thing. But being able to quickly and concisely go over allll of these topics is pretty remarkable.

    • @jonmacdonald2193
      @jonmacdonald2193 2 года назад +6

      @@curticusmaximus that doesnt make her the smartest person in the world. Just an unecessary thing to say

    • @KiwikimNZ
      @KiwikimNZ 2 года назад +6

      Day and night. It shows the difference in their ego and love for the job. I see it as a nurse all the time, some Doctors once they get their doctorate seem to get an elevated ego, some of them quite frankly are scary ! This woman is very good at what she does. Drs need to be pulled up a lot more for their behaviours, they are not accountable, they can get away with being rude, lazy and dominating. Nurses get pulled up for any behaviours that may be seen as inappropriate.

    • @curticusmaximus
      @curticusmaximus 2 года назад +9

      @@jonmacdonald2193 seems like you feeling the need to debate a random comment is kind of unnecessary lol I don't think I meant it as literally as you're taking it.

  • @IzabellaBVajda
    @IzabellaBVajda 2 года назад +151

    I love this woman, articulate and clear, a real professional.

  • @kathybitter9411
    @kathybitter9411 2 года назад +481

    She uses eye contact NATURALLY. AH was like an actress onstage: blinded by stage lights, looking into a dark, empty theater. Amber talks AT people, not TO them.

    • @cousinsister69
      @cousinsister69 2 года назад +19

      That is so true. Not only does Ms turd talk at them but it seems like she needs something from them. Rather than giving them something ie information. She looks uncomfortably needy. Like, she must have them believe her. Eyes darting about. Desperate.

    • @ashikana21
      @ashikana21 2 года назад +9

      @@cousinsister69 Yeah, she seeks validation. Like with her lame joke about Adam Waldman being short and she smirked at the jury to see their responses. Why would that be important in a multimillion dollar trial??

    • @saoirserose2696
      @saoirserose2696 2 года назад +5

      Yes, she does do that, I wonder if it’s because of her Narcissistic PD? Since people with NPD will most times, view their partners/family/friends/children as an extension of themselves, and not their own separate beings, so she’s constantly talking AT people when she cannot have feedback from them that she is in control of them and the situation? Idk but I have noticed and wondered why she does that. I do believe that AH thinks she is intellectually superior to *everyone else* and that’s why she will continue to deny, refuse to take responsibility, and argue semantics to the point it causes frustration in everyone listening… like the day she spent over 5 solid minutes avoiding the questions on why she said she had already donated the entire $7Mil divorce settlement, even claiming to use Pledge and Donate synonymously, then blaming Depp suing her for not donating it, even after she had to admit that she had the settlement in total for 13 months BEFORE he sued her, she continued to say getting sued stopped the donations. She chooses to repeatedly cling to her already disproven lies and it’s so transparent, but it’s like she has this mental block that doesn’t allow her to see her testimonies through the eyes of others, her massive ego and pride is big flaw.

    • @NocyMusic
      @NocyMusic 2 года назад

      Well said

    • @TheBaumcm
      @TheBaumcm 2 года назад +3

      All of his experts did this. They addressed the person speaking but when they needed to explain and check for understanding, they looked at the jury. It’s a teacher thing and why they are so good. It’s why it’s so unsettling when Heard stares at them, even if it is because they’re the only not openly hostile faces she can look at because it gives one the sense that she’s checking to see how her story is landing which wouldn’t matter to someone telling the truth.

  • @cici665
    @cici665 2 года назад +95

    wow Dr.cury absolutely discredited everything "dr." hues has said, it's so sickening and biased the tests she had done unprofessionally and even lying about how many of them she performed, this is huge for Johnny's team and a big blow to AH's team! way to go doc 👏🏼

  • @squidward6187
    @squidward6187 2 года назад +361

    Her sole career should be exposing liars. Seriously, they should have a watch dog group set up for this exact purpose. I am so tired of narcissists getting away with their bs. Too long has our culture celebrated narcissism. It is time for the strong/wise to stand up and say, "No!"

      @PROVOCATEURSK 2 года назад +13

      Politicians would get rid of her very fast.

    • @amandanegrete1306
      @amandanegrete1306 2 года назад

      Very true.
      I am extremely tired of people taking advantage of an incredibly serious diagnosis.
      Dr Currie testified that PTS/PTSD is commonly “faked” in court by people like the Turd.
      IDK why people want to have PTS/PTSD, the Turd is disgusting.

    • @Delicashilous
      @Delicashilous 2 года назад +1

      @@PROVOCATEURSK They are puppets, but nevertheless the Puppetmasters would in fact get rid of her, if she really opens too many People their eyes.

    • @ebrakefml
      @ebrakefml 2 года назад +4

      Or you could just ignore narcissists which is like, their least favorite thing 😂

    • @SheLamarr
      @SheLamarr 2 года назад +3

      @@ebrakefml it's hurts them the most. Attention is what they feed on. That's why Depp starving Heard of attention kiiills her 🤣

  • @holden6104
    @holden6104 2 года назад +477

    Terrific breakdown by Dr. Curry of the numerous psychometric tests, and the potential for biased reporting. When there are ulterior motives at play, tests are useless without proper validity testing.

  • @henrybridges4060
    @henrybridges4060 2 года назад +603

    So basically, AH took tests that allowed her to see what variables she should exaggerate in future testing to get the diagnosis that suits her case, but also took tests that aren’t even relevant to her situation or even correct in the evaluation field. Although they can ask the Jury to not include AH’s evaluation results in their decision - they have already done so subconsciously- how is this allowed? + her psychologist seems to have disregarded ethical practices in their field???

    • @amivi90
      @amivi90 2 года назад +21

      Yes! Basically throwing out everything she said because she previously studied what to say and how to say it to seem like she went through what she said she went through! Lol

    • @redpat8832
      @redpat8832 2 года назад +5


    • @annmarieknapp2480
      @annmarieknapp2480 2 года назад +23

      This is why the MMPI is so damn important. It has an incredible lie scale that catches someone feigning inaccurate actions or behaviors. Dr. Curry is right. There is some nuanced information that some can be used to their advantage. You need a good clinician to read the results, but also to evaluate the non-verbals and other behaviors as well.

    • @ThaoNguyen-cd3ss
      @ThaoNguyen-cd3ss 2 года назад

      Pplpppp P

    • @ThaoNguyen-cd3ss
      @ThaoNguyen-cd3ss 2 года назад


  • @jusplay7309
    @jusplay7309 2 года назад +575

    Dr. Curry is such an intelligent psychologist. Not even comparable to the defendant’s expert witnesses

    • @panic_diver
      @panic_diver 2 года назад +23

      Dr. Curry remembers all the tests that charlaton Hughes administered and explained them to jury and Hughes couldn't even remember one of her own tests.

    • @stevenprice6957
      @stevenprice6957 2 года назад

      You are kidding right..

    • @snakeocelot4153
      @snakeocelot4153 2 года назад +1

      ​@@stevenprice6957 *You're

    • @Very.single-now
      @Very.single-now 2 года назад +1

      @@panic_diver lmao.. spot on... taking notes on the stand..

    • @accountnew7030
      @accountnew7030 2 года назад +2

      she looks much sexier with her glasses on

  • @matrixrblx2423
    @matrixrblx2423 2 года назад +50

    Dr. Curry does such a wonderful job at explaining things in a clear way. As a domestic abuse victim myself (and a woman), it is infuriating the way AH has lied,manipulated and exploited all those around her. It's so extremely obvious that she was the abuser in this case. She is a gold digger as well. When Johnny had enough of her abuse and behavior, she couldn't take the fact that her luxury life as she knew it would be gone. And I also believe that she was taking advantage of the MeToo era, and just assumed everyone would believe her and feel bad for her, simply because she's a female. Women like her make it hard for the rest of us. She has done a great disservice to women, and all abuse victims everywhere..

  • @Lazarussteel
    @Lazarussteel 2 года назад +10

    Nothing more impressive than a true "Expert" in their field, awesome display of knowledge in context.

  • @jenniferb2763
    @jenniferb2763 2 года назад +694

    The most striking thing about this woman..and what you would expect of a woman in her professional position is the absence of personal ego or interest attached to her diagnosis compared to the other quite frankly outrageous so called professional Dr Hughes. She demonstrated aggression and fierce ego protection.

    • @blazednlovinit
      @blazednlovinit 2 года назад +17

      She has class :)

    • @eyeofhorus1301
      @eyeofhorus1301 2 года назад +13

      +Jennifer B Dr Hughes should straight up go to jail she's that much of a straight up BS conwoman

    • @levgtz8158
      @levgtz8158 2 года назад +11

      'cos Hughes is also a narcissist. You have to be in order to procced with all those lies under oath.

    • @e.abrahamovich8981
      @e.abrahamovich8981 2 года назад +10

      I just want my daughter to be just like Camile V and Dr Curry. Hell I hope my son would become just like them. When I see these women I feel admiration and respect.

    • @danielitajosue2008
      @danielitajosue2008 2 года назад +2

      Yeah, how agressive she was

  • @algrina04
    @algrina04 2 года назад +83

    Wow I have to say I am impressed by her.
    I thought I wouldn't understand anything to her intervention, but she is clear and articulate.
    As a professional, I am very inspired !

  • @beverlybrewer4638
    @beverlybrewer4638 2 года назад +1135

    She literally describes PTSD perfect and she is correct that way too many people use it as excuse. Hopefully the jury has been paying attention because 1. Other than the alleged injuries amber claims she would not have been out doing a live interview. 2. Every symptom she describes in fact is the characteristic that Johnny has shown actually by both sides

    • @fukem00000
      @fukem00000 2 года назад +20

      He is not going to win unfortunately.I am 100% sure they let her got away because she has the best card,she is a woman and thats really scary if you think about it.

    • @jenniferhagan6695
      @jenniferhagan6695 2 года назад


    • @adamoskabanos8559
      @adamoskabanos8559 2 года назад

      @@fukem00000 i hope you wrong😔

    • @abbeyl6115
      @abbeyl6115 2 года назад +8

      When I first got into Behavorial Management(coping) classes long ago, the first thing taught was not to use Mental Illness like a physical illness as a crutch! Each mental illness different in each person so learn to work with or around it. Never as w crutch!

    • @Prankin236
      @Prankin236 2 года назад +28

      @@fukem00000during the strike to motion appeal ,the way the judge explained why she denied it , I think this is going to jury to decide and I think if jury's in, Johnny will have the edge.
      I really hope he wins.

  • @jakes3799
    @jakes3799 2 года назад +35

    Curry's testimony is scary. It shows how supposed 'experts' can be deemed 'experts', but yet completely misuse tools. What if there was no Shannon Curry to testify?

  • @Roseenmarie
    @Roseenmarie 2 года назад +25

    Its amazing that Dr Hughes did not have a clue what tests she performed yet Dr Curry is sitting here and not only reeling off the tests, but their relevance to the situation, how effectively they were scored and whether they are based in evidence. She is superb!

    • @Lesevesel
      @Lesevesel 2 года назад +1

      And without referring to her notes as Dr. Hughes has done repeatedly and desperately.

  • @onceuponahouse9748
    @onceuponahouse9748 2 года назад +283

    The way people speak and present their info, you know right away she’s knowledgeable and informative. She’s a true specialist in her field

    • @ivdddoxiemama7275
      @ivdddoxiemama7275 2 года назад

      She's not even board certificated. I believe Dr Cowen, Dr Jacobs, and Dr Hughes who are all board certified and evaluated Amber. You can't fake PTSD. Look at all the years the other Phyc Drs have and watch this whole case. I am not making any judgements on this case until it's over celebrity or not. I however do not believe Dr Curry and believe it was very unethical for her to have dinner and drinks with Johnny Depp and his team.

    • @TheBigpapax30
      @TheBigpapax30 2 года назад

      Most of them studied public communication. The language based on the job, vocabulary, the sentences structure, comprehension, pressure be on quite impressive.
      Some people would be a mess talking in that type of scale court and case.

  • @CcHungcc
    @CcHungcc 2 года назад +75

    The witnesses for AH are so whacky and probably high. Witnesses for JD are professional, knowledgeable and coherent. They don’t stick their tongue out. I am so impressed with this woman.

    • @oliveoil5152
      @oliveoil5152 2 года назад +1


    • @liquidmiles
      @liquidmiles 2 года назад +1

      And they are all gracious and articulate, none of them behaved agro like the Turd’s team.

  • @emilysereni3619
    @emilysereni3619 2 года назад +170

    Aren’t we lucky to see her testify again!

    • @casafriede7227
      @casafriede7227 2 года назад +6

      Jep... Many great, strong, good women's here (Elaine and AH not included 🤭) ... Love that... And men of course... ☺️

    • @nimaasgharzade3799
      @nimaasgharzade3799 2 года назад

      Yes we are 😬

    • @AmariMarvelous
      @AmariMarvelous 2 года назад +1

      I wasn't expecting her to come back. But hey I'm not complaining. 😊

  • @bluebirdinrainforest
    @bluebirdinrainforest 2 года назад +88

    It’s not easy to be a professional in one field but it’s much more difficult to explain your field to make people, who has no idea what your field is, understand it. Dr. Curry did a very great job and I always enjoy and learn something new from her session.

  • @stacyververis7731
    @stacyververis7731 2 года назад +21

    She was excellent and explained the personality disorders that explained her behavior. Spot on

  • @civil_villain
    @civil_villain 2 года назад +297

    She's unimpeachable. Outclassed all of Amber's "experts".

    • @epresley8324
      @epresley8324 2 года назад +2

      Well said 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼

    • @jayroh3996
      @jayroh3996 2 года назад +12

      @@grandmaida7819 Oooh, an Amber troll is getting paid trolling this comments thread! Hey guys, Amber troll alert here!! Amber troll alert!!!

    • @pianoandguitarlover2773
      @pianoandguitarlover2773 2 года назад

      @@jayroh3996 Doing a lot of reaching there friendo.

    • @jayroh3996
      @jayroh3996 2 года назад

      @@pianoandguitarlover2773 Hah! That guy's all over the comments in this video zealously defending Amber. See for yourself.

    • @pianoandguitarlover2773
      @pianoandguitarlover2773 2 года назад

      @@jayroh3996 Oh, I am inclined to believe you, there have been a lot of them.
      However, I am an unbiased ,conscientious objector. I do not take sides. I think Johnny Depp has a lot of character flaws like his alcohol addiction and substance abuse.
      He should have gotten the kind of help that his friend Robert Downey Jr. had gotten when he was suffering from addiction.

  • @alliprob2866
    @alliprob2866 2 года назад +96

    She shows her guilt by not paying attention and writing her shopping list for tomorrow.

    • @legenddamenace9279
      @legenddamenace9279 2 года назад +10

      Or smirking at the camera

    • @stephencooper7459
      @stephencooper7459 2 года назад +3

      I think it's a book that hopefully no one buys

    • @mazzid9973
      @mazzid9973 2 года назад +11

      NO she's going to blame her LAWYERS, never will she admit she did this to herself. 👍💯👍💯😖🙄🐨🦘🙃

    • @s0me0ne1se
      @s0me0ne1se 2 года назад +5

      This is a great guess, I’ve been wondering what else could she be writing down apart from mocking the witnesses looks and sharing it with her lawyers 😝

    • @me-oh9du
      @me-oh9du 2 года назад +1

      I genuinely thought she's doodling around on the paper

  • @garysquarepants898
    @garysquarepants898 2 года назад +312

    Nothing better than a beautifully brained person talking so simply about incredibly complex aspects of their job and make it understand to anyone, you can see the hours of study and the effort it took to understand their tools and master their use.
    My God, those people shall be anybody's role models, they are mine for sure.
    Love you, Miss and Doctor Curry

    • @powerhouse884
      @powerhouse884 2 года назад +13

      She is definitely a keeper. Her husband must carry those muffins with pride.

    • @cobiegrobler3086
      @cobiegrobler3086 2 года назад +4

      You are a excellent representative for psychologist.
      Love your job. Thank you for your service mam.

    • @carolvandyke6926
      @carolvandyke6926 2 года назад +1

      Maybe Doctor Curry could recommend someone for Mr.Depp to talk to to work out his issues.

    • @garysquarepants898
      @garysquarepants898 2 года назад +3

      @@carolvandyke6926 Yeah, like an asylum for his ex wife

    • @bronzotatendang2850
      @bronzotatendang2850 2 года назад

      @@powerhouse884 😊😊..wtg, muffin man

  • @Mythryl12
    @Mythryl12 2 года назад +68

    This woman should put on classes that other psychologists can take to learn how to use their tools and when/where those tools are appropriate. This was very obviously an example of a master of her craft testifying before a jury. I can't imagine watching this as a juror and coming away from it feeling that Ms. Heard's 'expert' was worth the time it took to listen to.

  • @Mad.Dog.Murdoch
    @Mad.Dog.Murdoch 2 года назад +15

    I am in absolute awe of this woman. I could watch her speak all day, such an incredible public speaker.

  • @sternadesiree2536
    @sternadesiree2536 2 года назад +192

    She does not need to refer to her notes to know what tests another psychologist performed, and she is thorough, detailed etc. Dr Hugues needed her notes to review what tests she did herself! Smh

    • @yogioto
      @yogioto 2 года назад +20

      She needed the notes to say what she was paid for to say ;) when she started taking freely, she somehow stated Depp was a IPV victim and a second later when looking at Amber you could see the fear in her eyes. Curry's professional, Hughes a paid fake witness. That is also why Hughes seemed so uncomfortable

    • @b.b.s7545
      @b.b.s7545 2 года назад +2

      @@yogioto makes sense.

    • @spongebob2683
      @spongebob2683 2 года назад +2

      @@yogioto All teams from Amber are Weird, strange, cringe, dishonest..even we can see their aura...

  • @Alot2late
    @Alot2late 2 года назад +145

    Love intelligent women like Dr. Curry. Very professional, knowledgeable and gets to the point.

    • @MichaelLiverpool352
      @MichaelLiverpool352 2 года назад +5

      She's also beautiful and pleasant

    • @Alot2late
      @Alot2late 2 года назад +1

      @@MichaelLiverpool352 I agree!

    • @mazzid9973
      @mazzid9973 2 года назад +7

      @@MichaelLiverpool352 Set aside her beauty she is EXTREMELY COMPETENT, I doubt as a woman I'd want to be sexurarised rather than her real super power as she ROCKS in her job, she also CARES about her job.💯👍💯👍🐨🦘🙃

    • @abigase135
      @abigase135 2 года назад +6

      Without notes!

    • @MichaelLiverpool352
      @MichaelLiverpool352 2 года назад +4

      @@mazzid9973 I agree with you... I'm just always drawn to people who are Rockstars in their field but still are respectful and pleasant I see that in Johnny from what he's shown the public and stories I've heard it's inspiring and those characteristics are what I'm finding attractive in Dr. Curry

  • @kikapuneniya3827
    @kikapuneniya3827 2 года назад +263

    Wow, the way she explains everything and gave us insight on what amber and her psychologist were trying to do (which we all already know, trying to manipulate the court)

  • @Kobepwns921
    @Kobepwns921 2 года назад +34

    From a lawyer’s perspective she is the perfect expert because she is engaging and doesn’t drone on for too long. When she is done speaking she looks back at the attorney for the next question. She also comes across as credible and even impartial when compared to Amber’s experts who seemed like they were willing to cross many ethical lines to make their points.

  • @fortunag5720
    @fortunag5720 2 года назад +5

    As a court attorney, applauding this expert. Well presented and well spoken. Without wishy washy speech, straight to the point supported with examples and facts.

  • @karolina2689
    @karolina2689 2 года назад +108

    I love this WOMAN!!!! So intelligent and brilliant💯

  • @hamzadjl8025
    @hamzadjl8025 2 года назад +74

    The confidance she has when she speaks is incredible !

  • @tanyachou4474
    @tanyachou4474 2 года назад +123

    Most of Johnny’s team seems to be very competent people and really bringing their A game. Dr. Curry is giving a master class on how an expert witness ought to be 😲

    • @TheBaumcm
      @TheBaumcm 2 года назад +2

      Any witness worth their salt, especially one whose professional reputation is going to be tied to their performance and potentially broadcast, is going to evaluate the statements for themselves and have a certain code of ethics. Quite simply, Johnny could afford to be choosy because he didn’t want or need to force the expert to come to a conclusion and wouldn’t ask that they violate ethics. So he has his experts and she could only get the people who would compromise their ethics for money.

  • @ashleyjohnston9855
    @ashleyjohnston9855 Год назад +8

    This woman blew the other woman out of the park lol, she’s wayyy more professional. And explains everything in detail.

  • @TheTesemeau
    @TheTesemeau 2 года назад +9

    I am just loving the contrast between the efficacy of Johnny's witnesses and the frankly bizarre 'expert' testimonies offered by the defence. Dr Curry is outstanding.

  • @asgharadnanadilzaidi1870
    @asgharadnanadilzaidi1870 2 года назад +64

    She never disappoints. Queen.

  • @funchik93
    @funchik93 2 года назад +55

    The real professional has spoken ✊

  • @marcus5368
    @marcus5368 2 года назад +139

    Raise your hand if you want Dr. Curry to evaluate you even though you have no psychiatric problems whatsoever!

    • @blackkira696
      @blackkira696 2 года назад +2

      I have. My therapist just gave me pills and 2hours of talk...
      I wish I had enough moneys to be evaluated by her!

    • @dragonsky799
      @dragonsky799 2 года назад

      You only think you have no psychological problems whatsoever. Haha

    • @evarene07
      @evarene07 9 месяцев назад +1

      Ahh no she’d see right through me😁

  • @ChadMuitoGato
    @ChadMuitoGato 2 года назад +14

    Here in my country if a psichologist does something like that on a court trial, hes facing up to 4 to 7 years and losing his license to practice...Im amazed at how this is not being investigated after comproved..damn..

  • @embeth446
    @embeth446 2 года назад +19

    She was excellent today. Laid everything out perfectly and described why a forensic psychologist cannot “diagnose” IPV. It’s not a psychological diagnosis. It’s an event that occurs that you cannot testify to if you didn’t see it. Forensic psychologists are not criminal investigators. They can’t get on a witness stand and say things like “he was controlling and jealous. He was violent with her. She was in a dangerous situation.” The other doctor really discredited herself.

  • @khymaaren
    @khymaaren 2 года назад +23

    2:08 I chuckled at the "Let's see..." Such a subtle way to remind the jury that you can, in fact, give an expert testimony without notes. I have a feeling it was very much intentional.

  • @waitasecond...
    @waitasecond... 2 года назад +80

    So glad for this. After what that lady with high eyebrows did in this case, and the fact that she's been an "expert" witness to so many cases, it's so appropriate to drag her and not let what she's done slide off. Karma to all the crooks!

  • @FullFlameAlchemist11
    @FullFlameAlchemist11 2 года назад +459

    This woman is so cool. She's like Harley Quinn before she went crazy.

    • @N3WY0R1CAN
      @N3WY0R1CAN 2 года назад +11

      Lmao facts yoooo

    • @quillber
      @quillber 2 года назад +5


    • @LimuLinus
      @LimuLinus 2 года назад +5


    • @techwizpc4484
      @techwizpc4484 2 года назад +4

      Hello there, Mr. J.

    • @titi-bs8mw
      @titi-bs8mw 2 года назад +4

      omg seriously i love her, i wouldve never thought abt thi comparison

  • @aybgim3850
    @aybgim3850 2 года назад +8

    "It is a lot less interesting" - this phrase alone deserves a huge respect for scientific rigor and professional standards.

  • @GabBouvier
    @GabBouvier 2 года назад +44

    She is so smart and diplomat that she basically said " the other expert sucks at her job" on the stand for about 16 minutes without bs objections .. AH team look like they were about to cry 😂

  • @jackrusselpupper1979
    @jackrusselpupper1979 2 года назад +56

    I love how she speaks! None of the pauses that are full with the “uh” “ah” “um” etc. which I find very annoying and this annoyance will interrupt listeners attention.
    This doctor and Camille/ attorney speaks extremely well, very refreshing!
    Don’t you agree? 👍🌟😊🍀

    • @karen81681
      @karen81681 2 года назад

      Exactly 💯👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  • @venoalbazy77
    @venoalbazy77 2 года назад +119

    She's amazing, I learned so much from her. Thank you for sharing important information with simplicity and great clarity.

  • @indianacones5815
    @indianacones5815 2 года назад +76

    I don't know who I have a bigger thing for.. Camille or Dr Curry.
    Not even in a sexual way.
    When obnoxious girls who are assholes to people and then say "They can't handle a strong women"
    ... no those two ladies are strong women.
    Professional, knowledgeable, powerful.
    I absolutely love seeing women like this.
    Perfect role models for my daughter.

    • @Malwina157
      @Malwina157 2 года назад +6

      Same here. I adore both of those ladies and would love to be at least few percent like them...

    • @abigase135
      @abigase135 2 года назад +11

      The difference is that you'll never hear Dr Curry or Camille say 'people can't handle strong women' because they're too busy being actually good in what they do

    • @TheBaumcm
      @TheBaumcm 2 года назад +2

      Yep, truly strong women, like truly strong men, exhibit confidence in their competence and don’t require anyone to validate that competency. They also don’t need to swing at or dominate others to improve their self worth. This trial has been a gold mine of comparisons of behaviors seen and felt, and their consequences to how people feel about you, and could almost be used as a parable.

    • @b.b.s7545
      @b.b.s7545 2 года назад +2

      @@abigase135right? if you have called yourself anything like, strong, nice, etc
      You're probably not.

    • @katjohnston9836
      @katjohnston9836 2 года назад

      Right? They kick ASS! I love strong professional women like them

  • @TheSacredSight-v6w
    @TheSacredSight-v6w 2 года назад +15

    This is the best expert witness I've ever seen. Dr. Hughs was clearly invested in being right and took everything personally. Dr. Curry is a class act.

  • @jennyjohnson5428
    @jennyjohnson5428 2 года назад +49

    I couldn't BELIEVE how dependent Dr. Hughes was on self-reported information. Correct me if I'm mistaken -- *didn't she* say or imply that she was testifying from a forensic POV?

  • @jentbotbfa
    @jentbotbfa 2 года назад +79

    This woman is brilliant!

  • @masoncolvin9896
    @masoncolvin9896 2 года назад +101

    Wow she knows all this and didn’t even need to look at her notes that’s crazy 🤪

    • @anonymousduh1424
      @anonymousduh1424 2 года назад

      Lol ikr

    • @waynesworlds
      @waynesworlds 2 года назад

      You are not allowed to have notes

    • @masoncolvin9896
      @masoncolvin9896 2 года назад +4

      I know but ambers expert kept looking at her notes when she was on the stand

    • @pianoandguitarlover2773
      @pianoandguitarlover2773 2 года назад

      LOl. Most people can do that if they try and have practiced there field or craft enough.

    • @catseye1009
      @catseye1009 2 года назад +5

      @mason colvin: I am of the mind most experts do not need notes when speaking about their KNOWLEDGE of the subject at hand. Perhaps notes to refresh the memory of the RESULTS of testing, but clearly this doctor demonstrates mastery of her knowledge of testing, tools, how and when they are used in particular situations. I did not hear the testimony of the other doctor, however I am impressed by Depp’s expert. Notice how she explained the purpose of why she was giving testimony once again, then gave a brief summary of the areas up for dispute. Tell them (the audience) what you will tell them, tell and explain, then wrap up with what you have told them. She is an excellent speaker.

  • @ronyagpd
    @ronyagpd Год назад +3

    Dr Curry was calm, precise, knowledgeable and very clear in her evidence and rebuttal. Superb. ( I say this as someone who came to the case a year after the event knowing nothing about it.)

  • @captaincaveman8729
    @captaincaveman8729 2 года назад +18

    Can't imagine what it must be like sitting in a room filled with people being called a fake... Let alone it being in such a structured manner... by someone who just exudes professionalism and grace like Dr Curry 🥰

  • @pinkplantynurse5673
    @pinkplantynurse5673 2 года назад +88

    No one knows the truth but Johnny and Amber, but it’s really weird that all of her witnesses are so clearly manipulative and evasive. Johnnys all come across as merely truthful and factual.

    • @moneytttt1140
      @moneytttt1140 2 года назад +2

      No shes a lair

    • @josephzsoka874
      @josephzsoka874 2 года назад

      @@moneytttt1140 ...Pink Panty sounds like a regretful supporter of the METOO movement... now facing the truth about female violence and false allegations.

    • @Internet_user777
      @Internet_user777 2 года назад +4

      It’s true, no one will know the whole truth. But nothing AH has said is coming off truthful.

    • @josephzsoka874
      @josephzsoka874 2 года назад

      @@Internet_user777 so not having the whole truth negates the facts and evidence ? ... so it has to be absolutely true before its believable for you ? ... is this another gaslighting game, so you ladies can continue with your abuse and deception, and get away with it ?...LOL

    • @me-oh9du
      @me-oh9du 2 года назад +3

      Yes no one fully knows, however, evidence shows she was an abuser.

  • @linnbaardsen9459
    @linnbaardsen9459 2 года назад +43

    Wishes in life:
    -Johnny winning
    -Being like Dr. Curry

    • @Diaduitireland
      @Diaduitireland 2 года назад +5

      She’s INCREDIBLE. Beautiful, educated, honest, sophisticated and a kind person with only good intentions.

  • @husky_vegan3742
    @husky_vegan3742 2 года назад +164

    I respect this Dr.‘s professional, presence, integrity, and thoroughness so much!!!! It’s so encouraging to know professionals like this exist to opposed quacks like “Dr.” Hues

    • @JustWheelMe
      @JustWheelMe 2 года назад +2

      Dr hues made me shiver. I felt like I was about to shrivel up and die when he was doing all his weird mouth stuff 🤮

    • @jancrawford8460
      @jancrawford8460 2 года назад +2

      @@JustWheelMe I agree with you! Honestly, I’m pretty sure, he needs HELP! 😳

    • @luciaperdue5687
      @luciaperdue5687 2 года назад +3

      @@JustWheelMe Dr Hughes is the Psychologist with the long straight blonde hair, reading from her paper's and was not nice.
      Dr Spiegel was the 59 year grey haired old man making face's, he would remind you of the actor in Back to the Future

    • @JustWheelMe
      @JustWheelMe 2 года назад

      @@jancrawford8460 I wouldn't be shocked if he isn't a patient who attacked the doc left him tied up in a broom closet and impersonated a doctor lol

    • @dullboy8152
      @dullboy8152 2 года назад

      @@JustWheelMe Dawn Hughes is a female btw 😂 but I know who you talking about

  • @fkeeleung
    @fkeeleung 2 года назад +185

    This woman is so articulate, intelligent and I could listen to her all day. This should be what feminism should be about, not the cringeworthy crap we see on social media everyday.

  • @ms.andrea172
    @ms.andrea172 2 года назад +5

    She is so thorough. I love her professionalism!

  • @sophierhodes3
    @sophierhodes3 2 года назад +56

    I really wish I’d of been taught by someone who explains things so succinctly. She’s brilliant to listen talk about her field of expertise 👏

  • @derek.....
    @derek..... 2 года назад +94

    WOW! no questions from Amber’s defence to Kate Moss,I expected that waste of time really,but now Dr Curry will tell them straight😂

    • @sebulbathx
      @sebulbathx 2 года назад

      After Kate Moss the verdict can't anything other than Depp. I mean the Kate Moss incident has been hanging over Depp like a dark cloud I feel. But now after she said nothing happened from Depps side they basically have nothing besides him being a drug addict and acting crazy maybe. And evidence or witness has testified that Depp has not been violent against anyone let alone any woman.

    • @legenddamenace9279
      @legenddamenace9279 2 года назад +2

      I believe the defense rested yesterday.

    • @user-xe2io2go1f
      @user-xe2io2go1f 2 года назад +2

      @@legenddamenace9279 cross-examination

    • @nexusprimerealty4361
      @nexusprimerealty4361 2 года назад +1

      This doctor really know her onions, very detailed and thorough.

  • @welivelovelife
    @welivelovelife 2 года назад +48

    Dr. Curry is clearly the expert of them all! Straight, objective, clear, concise in her answers and explains very well. Plus her ethical demeanor and professionalism exceed more respect, that is a humble person who talks profoundly from experience.

  • @noobsavant
    @noobsavant 2 года назад +5

    She is the shredder. Shredded anu of "doctor" Hughes' credibility with facts.

  • @25beee
    @25beee 2 года назад +7

    In my opinion that this time she's not stand there as the expertise for Depp, she's stand there to explain the differences between psychologist test which use to treat a patient and forensic psychologist test which made for the criminal and court purposes. Her pride to do the justice for her line of work

  • @CurtisCameron
    @CurtisCameron 2 года назад +167

    The irony of Amber with her head down the whole time the professional is explaining how easy it can be to fake and exaggerate illnesses in certain opportunistic settings. She's able to look up and literally glare at Johnny, her so called "abuser" with ZERO fear. The moment she's presented with facts by an outsider who she knows she has no emotional power over and she shrivels up. It's incredibly satisfying to see the karma delivered in real time, she smugly thought she had this in the bag on the first day. Not so smug now eh?

    • @AStri-zg5xc
      @AStri-zg5xc 2 года назад

      To be fair here, AH is in a courtroom with dozens of other people. No reason to show fear at all here.

    • @selfesteem3447
      @selfesteem3447 2 года назад +8

      @@AStri-zg5xc I guess you missed that video clip of Amber coming down from the stand as Johnny was leaving at the end of the day and her being "scared" ?

    • @CurtisCameron
      @CurtisCameron 2 года назад +12

      @@AStri-zg5xc but 99% of domestic violence victims do NOT look their abusers straight in the eye, smirking and callous like Amber does.

    • @vocalcoachgina
      @vocalcoachgina 2 года назад

      @@selfesteem3447 I'm sure that was a fake reaction

    • @vocalcoachgina
      @vocalcoachgina 2 года назад

      @@AStri-zg5xc it doesn't matter. Be in court with your abuser, rapist, etc. And you will NOT be able to look at them in their face.